Client Feedback is Essential to Your Success, says Dr. Gary Linkov



However accomplished one might become in life, the learning process never stops. This is a secret known to all successful people. They learn from their victories and failures alike, from their peers and educators, and most importantly, from their clients. The insight that they gain is the fuel that propels their success. Gathering these insights is the real measure of education and experience, as Dr. Gary Linkov firmly believes.

A renowned plastic surgeon specializing in facial reconstruction and hair restoration, Dr. Gary Linkov is no stranger to success. His practice, City Facial Plastics, based in New York, is known for offering quality solutions. And the secret to his success, Dr. Gary believes, is that he never stops learning. “Every surgery, every consultation, whether successful or not, leaves much to ponder and glean,” he says.

But how does one go about gathering these insights, apart from the obvious? It’s simple, says Dr. Gary. Ask the client!

Dr. Gary gathers thorough feedback from each client at each step in the process. While the client might not know the technical aspects, they certainly know how the result affects them. By listening intently to the feedback, Dr. Gary can provide the best results for the client. This, he believes, has helped his clients achieve their dream results and him, his dream process.

Over the years, listening to his clients has helped Dr. Gary develop a list of dos and don’ts and a list of fundamentals. His experience has also taught him to understand and gain insights from clients’ behaviors, body language, and more. By leveraging client feedback, Dr. Gary Linkov is on a constant journey of becoming better than ever. And looking at his success, we, too, are going to zip the mouth a little and learn to lend an ear.

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