Famous Artist and TikTok Star Adam Medvedev Gives 5 Tips for Younger Artists Coming Up in The Industry


Adam Medvedev, also known as Sneakz to most, is an upcoming superstar artist from Baltimore, Maryland.  He has started to gain tons of notoriety as of late, amassing over one million followers on the social media platform TikTok and garnering over three hundred thousand followers on his Instagram account.  His journey wasn’t an easy one, spending long and countless hours in the studio making sure every detail was perfected in his music.  After lots of long nights, hard work, and consistency, Adam Medvedev is finally starting to see the fruits of his labor.  He is now wanting to help to inspire the younger generation of artist and give them advice he wish he knew himself while coming up in the industry.  In this article, Adam will be giving upcoming artists 5 pieces of advice that has helped him get to the position he is in today.

  1. Consistency

AM: Consistency is what is going to separate a great artist from a good artist. Lots of artists have talent, but consistency is what helps bring the most out of the artist. One has to consistently put in work and perfect his craft. To be successful you cannot perfect your craft just when you feel like it, but you have to show up and put in work every day.  I like to use the motto get one percent better every day. If I can get one percent better in my craft every day, I believe that opportunities will ultimately present itself in my opinion.  It seems like the harder I work, the luckier I get.

  1. Staying Healthy

AM: In this industry, it’s very important to stay healthy and take of your body.  I always have a lot going and am always busy, so I have to make sure my body is in top shape to be able to do all of these things that I do.  I do not want my body feeling fatigued and shut down.  I like to emphasize the importance of getting enough rest at night, at least 8 hours of sleep. Sometimes it can definitely be hard to get 8 hours, but I make sure I always strive for it.  I also focus on eating a clean diet.  What you fuel your body with is so important and it sets the tone for your entire day.  This industry can get so fast pace, so it would be hard to survive and thrive without getting the proper nutrition.  I like to think of the statement “health is wealth”.

  1. Work-life Balance

AM: As mentioned before, this industry can get so fast paced.  It’s important to know when to step away from things time to time, so you won’t overwork yourself.  Burning out is definitely real and is not a good feeling to experience.  I like to create a healthy work-life balance.  As they say, “work hard play hard”. It’s easy to get caught up in the work, so I make it a priority to step away from it sometimes just for my mental health and even my physical health.  When I come back, I feel clearer and ready to go to work.  I make it a priority to maintain my social life along with my work life.

  1. Staying Grounded

AM: With all of the fame and followers that come with my platform, it can honestly get hard to stay levelheaded and grounded.  I always remind myself that there is always someone better than me and that’s what motivates me.  It’s not a toxic thing where I am comparing myself to others, but more of looking up to people and seeing myself being there one day.  No matter how much success comes my way, I will let myself know to never to get satisfied.  There is always more and better music to be made, despite past success. Keeping myself grounded helps me to stay hungry and forces me not to let myself settle.


  1. Creativity

AM:  I think as an artist this specific piece of advice has to be a given for you to succeed in the industry.  You have to have the ability to be creative.  This industry is so saturated now and days, so you have to find ways to be able to stand out and differentiate yourself.  Creativity in your music is what is going to separate yourself from others in the same industry as you.  You have to the ability to switch up and create different flows, rhythms, and beats that others haven’t heard or attempted to try before.  That is what is going to make you great.  Having creative ability is what is going to give one the ability to thrive and to go a very long way in this industry.  Talent can get you far, but creativity adds more fuel to the fire.

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