Thunder Bay – NEWS – There is a homeless count on in Thunder Bay and surrounding communities. The count in Thunder Bay will start at 6 PM on Saturday, October 2, 2021.
The count was cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic.
This year people can come to the CLE Coliseum and several other locations in Thunder Bay, but there will also be counts happening at People Advocating for Change through Empowerment (PACE) offices in Nipigon, Schreiber, Greenstone, and Marathon, and at the Rural Cupboard Food Bank in Conmee.
The project is also seeking to collect information on the homeless people in the district including age, gender, veteran status and Indigenous identity. The survey is also trying to identify people who are couch-surfing, staying in shelters or simply staying outside.
The organizers hope that the survey number can be used to direct resources to the areas of greatest needs.
Organizers say that this is a snapshot of the homeless population of the city, and will thereby not be able to provide a total picture of the number of people who drift in and out of homeless status.
Because the count is a “snapshot,” it is not intended to be a measure of everyone who experiences homelessness over time, and will not include all those who cycle in and out of homelessness.
Funding for the count is being provided by the District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board (TBDSSAB).