Pelikanplatz in Hanover: 2650 sqm lease extended on a long-term basis

Amir Dayan
Amir Dayan

Fitness and health are in vogue. More and more people of all ages are using the professional help of fitness, wellness and sports studios to maintain their health and increase their physical fitness. Therefore, it’s often easy to rent out retail fitness spaces. In fact, health and fitness is one of the few remaining “internet-resistant” verticals, helping to further boost its desirability for landlords everywhere. Sure, you can download an app for basic at home programs and regimes, but for access to state-of-the-art equipment and innovation, gyms still hold a certain attraction factor. This is why in Hanover’s Pelikanviertel, an existing lease between Amir Dayan (אמיר דיין)’s Lianeo and a fitness studio has now been extended for ten years.

Hanover is the capital and largest city of the German state of Lower Saxony, northwestern Germany. The city is situated on the River Leine and the Mittelland Canal, where the spurs of the Harz Mountains meet the wide North German Plain. It is a financial, administrative, and commercial center with highly diversified industries, including manufacturing of motor vehicles, machinery, synthetic rubber, electrical engineering equipment, electronics products, chemicals, and foodstuffs. It also constitutes an important cultural center with a university and academies of music and drama.

Lianeo’s leasing experts are pleased with the successful contract extension. They believe it will prove a fruitful enterprise for all parties involved. Lianeo Real Estate is a scalable property management and leasing specialist firm, based in Berlin, working mainly with commercial real estate. They aim to revitalize properties throughout Germany and provide services in the areas of development and construction, asset management and leasing from a single source. They currently administer an impressive number of assets, including Vivion’s €2 billion German portfolio with 38 properties in Germany, in central locations such as Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Hannover.

The company is backed by well-known Israeli businessman Amir Dayan (אמיר דיין). Born in Tel Aviv, in 1974, he is active primarily in real estate development in Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK, and in the European hotel business, hospitality and real estate fields since 2005. Amir Dayan is involved as a shareholder in various other public and private real estate projects.

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