Pure, Unbridled Emotion Is What Separates a Good Artist from a Great One — Skyler Parks

Skyler Parks

Great music, regardless of its genre, era, or artist, has one unifying and universal factor that transcends language barriers, cultures, and generations to speak to something in our very souls. And that elusive and magical factor is pure, unbridled emotion. From Beethoven to The Beatles, from Elvis to Eminem, and from Muddy Waters to Madonna, the willingness to put it all on the line in a song and expose your deepest, most innermost self to the world touches a chord with us all and is a sound indicator of true talent. The need for every artist, at some point in their career, is to channel their emotions in order to upgrade their talent and become a world-beating force. This is something that young musical sensation Skyler Parks has been busy tapping into and feels incredibly passionate about.

“Growing up, I always found in music an escape from reality because it offered me an alternative universe where I could be myself and experience my true emotions without censure or criticism,” explained Skyler Parks, before adding, “Music gave me an intense, rewarding, and meaningful inner life. It also made me feel that I could achieve and do anything. In short, it gave me wings. There was no doubt in my mind it was what I wanted to dedicate every ounce of my being to, and I also wanted to be able to express my emotions in a way I knew that only the most talented could.”

Skyler Parks has been a versatile musician from an early age. He is equally at home on the violin as the piano and a variety of other instruments. As his recorded output to date will testify, he has all the technical ability in the world. But what Skyler Parks, like all true artists, craves is the emotional authenticity to make the whole world take notice. He explained, “Anyone can knock out a novelty tune that’ll make them famous for 15 minutes. However, I’m not interested in being a gimmick. I want to create something that’ll stand the test of time and mean something for generations to come. Channeling your innermost emotions to create music has a habit of making you a better artist. Yet, more importantly, if I can create something that connects with others the same way music once connected with me and set me upon the path I’m on, then I’d consider that my greatest homage to my art.”

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