
You only truly fail if you fall to the ground and refuse to make efforts to get back on your feet; a quote that best defines this young, talented, and vibrant fellow, Brandon Nguyen, who has gone from a below-average university drop-out to an e-commerce guru and entrepreneurial mentor!


Having dropped out of the university with what most people would regard as a bad grade, Brandon refused to let the standard for educational qualification and grading determine his success and the trajectory of his life.

Considering himself as a Direct Response Marketer, mentor, and entrepreneur, Brandon, CEO of YENGUB, a leading e-commerce store, believes he is on a journey to impact the lives of others with the wealth of experience and skill he has garnered in the e-commerce industry and business in general.

Even with the great success recorded in his journey also came some major setbacks, which gave birth to one of the biggest lessons he had ever learned and hopes to teach others; always to stay focused and keep your eye on the ultimate goal despite the uncontrollable fluctuations and great uncertainty in every business.

Brandon also believes that extreme focus and discipline is what it takes to get rich “quick,” and people even take longer than usual because they have no focus and discipline and give up at the first sign of pain. This gentleman is a true fighter, and despite all odds, had bounced back bigger and better than ever before, from challenges that sought to see his end.


Having carved a niche in the e-commerce industry, Brandon believes that giving back to society is a huge role he must play in impacting the lives of others, thus, leaving his footprints in the sands of time. In actualizing this great commission, he seeks to shift his focus from the e-commerce industry to build an educational institution for the sole purpose of mentoring young lives.

According to this great humanitarian, “the early stages of people’s lives echo massively throughout the rest of their lives, and I want to be there to provide support and be a good mentor and role model – so that they can make a positive impact on their own lives and others.” He has actually set the ball in motion as he is currently growing a community and mastermind through an online educational program that will not 0nly suit his persona but also boost his creativity in marketing through active contact and working directly with people.

In today’s society, where the youth have been misled by the negativities associated with social media and other physical vices, it is quite apparent that highly focused individuals at a young age are hard to come by. Deriving so much energy from the desire to succeed, this young and vibrant individual expels distractions on his path to success to remain relevant in his industry and rank highly amongst fellow entrepreneurs.


With Brandon, experience does not have to be the best teacher because being burnt several times by mishaps in business has earned him a mountain of experience in entrepreneurship which doesn’t have to be the same with those groomed under his mentorship.

Money is the primary driving force of most entrepreneurs, which is quite expected, but not the same to be said about Brandon. With $1M+ in upsells awarded By Zipify and 2-Comma-Award with Click Funnels, Brandon says his goals remain result-based and that even though his standards work against him sometimes, family, business, and learning are all enough to keep him going.

To know him better, follow Brandon on:

Instagram;    @yengub


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