5 of the Deadliest Jobs in the World

slips, trips and falls in the workplace
Slips, trips and falls are all too frequent in the workplace

Not everyone who gets up in the morning and goes to their job wonders if they will return home happy and healthy after a long day’s work. But for those people who work dangerous or even deadly jobs where injury to life and limb is a common, if not everyday occurrence, just the simple act of earning a buck is profound act of bravery.

But one thing is for certain, whether you work construction or as a commercial crab fisherman, if you’re hurt on the job and can no longer earn a steady paycheck, you need to seek out the services of a reliable personal injury attorney. These lawyers will get you the compensation you deserve so that you can concentrate solely on your recovery or, in the case of death, so that your surviving loved ones can grieve without financial anxiety.

Say the professionals at the Barnes Firm in New York, companies, managers, and supervisors are responsible for employee safety. That means they have an obligation to make certain all safety measures and protocols are in place prior to the day’s work commencing. They must also make sure employees are following all safety guidelines.

That said, these are said to be the five most deadly jobs in the world.

Garbage and Recyclables Collectors

Total Fatal Injuries Per Year: 31

Fatal Rate of Injury: 34 per 100,000 employees

Most Common Cause of Deadly Mishaps: Transportation accidents

Average Annual Salary: $40,560

It might come as a bit of a surprise that working in the trash business would make it to the top 5 most deadliest jobs in both the U.S. and the globe. But being employed as a garbage and recyclables collector is one of the most simple yet dangerous jobs there is.

The only requirement of the job is to drive around urban and/or suburban neighborhoods and collect garage in the form of refuse and recyclables from out of dumpsters. On occasion, a dead human body will emerge from one of these dumpsters.

The most common cause of deadly incident in the garage industry? Transportation and heavy equipment accidents resulting in the loss of limb or limbs, or even being crushed to death.

Roofing Construction Workers

Total Fatal Injuries Per Year: 111

Fatal Rate of Injury: 41 per 100,000 employees

Most Common Cause of Deadly Mishaps: Tripping, slipping, and falling from great heights

AverageAnnual Salary: $43,580

Roofers are responsible from installing, maintaining, repairing, and replacing commercial roofs on big buildings and towers, and also the roofs on private residences. The most obvious deadly danger that accompanies this job is working from great heights. All it takes in a slip, a trip, and a fall and suddenly you’re dropping to the hard ground. The result can be total paralysis and/or death.

Oil and Gas Industry Drillers and Derrick Workers

Total Fatal Injuries Per Year: 12

Fatal Rate of Injury: 46 per 100,000 employees

Most Common Cause of Deadly Mishaps: Equipment related accidents, transport incidents, blunt trauma contact with hard objects

Average Annual Salary: $50,280

Oil and gas industry derrickman and drillers work with some big, heavy, and dangerous equipment. Drilling equipment is not always stable when it comes into contact with hard rock and can result in deadly contact with workers. At the very least, it can cause the loss of fingers, hands, and limbs. Transportation accidents are also a common problem with oil and gas industry workers.

Pilots and Flight Engineers

Total Fatal Injuries Per Year: 85

Fatal Rate of Injury: 53 per 100,000 employees

Most Common Cause of Deadly Mishaps: Transport accidents

Average Annual Salary:$130,440

Flying the friendly skies is said to be one of the safest if not the safest mode of transport known to modern man and woman. Yet, piloting an airplane and/or helicopter is considered one of the most deadly jobs in the world.

However, it should be noted that flying private aircraft is far more dangerous than commercial aircraft which is highly regulated.


Total Fatal Injuries Per Year: 46

Fatal Rate of Injury: 111 per 100,000 employees

Most Common Cause of Deadly Mishaps: Direct contact with heavy equipment, saws, and hard objects

Average Annual Salary: $43, 210

According to statistics, logging is said to be the most dangerous job not only in the U.S, but the world. With an average fatal injury rate of 111 per 100,000 employees, logging is around 33 times more deadly than the average job.

Add to the danger from equipment like chainsaws and heavy machinery meant to fell huge trees, loggers work in remote, heavily wooded areas where it’s difficult if not impossible to find medical help right away.

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