How Kynia Thrower Found Happiness in the Healthcare Industry

Kynia Thrower
Kynia Thrower

Kynia Thrower is a healthcare worker, but more specifically, a homebound aid. She has been featured in international news platforms and blogs for her tips and tricks about the healthcare industry.

To Kynia Thrower – choosing a career in healthcare was the perfect choice, and one she wouldn’t trade for anything else.

According to stats by, about a third of US workers believe they have reached a dead end in their career. Moreso, only 20 percent feel passionate about their jobs.

So, how did Kynia Thrower make such a good career decision, and how did she find happiness in the healthcare industry?

Part of the equation that leads to job satisfaction is self-awareness. From an early age, Kynia Thrower loved caring for her grandmother, so she knew she would excel in a role that would allow her to care for others as a career.

After reviewing over 60 studies about what makes a dream job, the job site 80000 Hours published an article about what makes people love their jobs and find the perfect career fit. According to the research, it all boils down to a few main categories: work you are good at, work that helps others, and supportive conditions.

Supportive conditions allow you to enter a state of flow. It means work that fits your personal life, and perhaps colleagues that are there to help support you as well.

One of the main pitfalls people fall into when choosing a dream job is to imagine several jobs and then guess how satisfying they may seem. A better method, however, is to understand yourself and what you want, then reverse engineer the outcome.

For example, Kynia Thrower already knew that she enjoyed caring for others, so she decided to pursue the career of a homebound aid. Now she spends her time doing what she thinks is meaningful on a daily basis.

“I am happy with the work I do, and I feel that it is important to help others,” says Kynia Thrower.

Some of Kynia Thrower’s satisfaction also comes from giving back to her community. Sometimes she will get together with a group of friends and cook food for homeless people in her community. She will also purchase clothes and hand them out to people in need.

“I want to show people that overcoming adversity is possible,” says Kynia Thrower.

Kynia Thrower says she has one patient who is going deaf in one year, but the two of them make the best of the circumstances by keeping their spirits high.

“She claps along although she is going deaf in one ear. Making my patients smile brings joy to my heart.”

Another way Kynia Thrower chooses to give back is through her personal website where she shares insights about the healthcare industry, and how to be a better healthcare provider overall.

Kynia Thrower says she always looks for the silver lining in any given situation so that she can always put her best foot forward on the job when caring for elderly patients.

“I remind myself that I will be old one day too.’’






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