The Top 4 Reasons Hair Loss Happens and How to Prevent It

The Top 4 Reasons Hair Loss Happens and How to Prevent It

There are many factors that lead to hair loss in both men and women. Due to the differences in these causes, hair loss does not occur in a specific formula. Where others may experience total baldness, they are those who will only experience hair thinning. 

There are also those who believe that you should not be concerned about the falling off of a few hair follicles. After all, hair grows back. But does it? Here are top 4 reasons hair loss occurs and how they can be prevented:

  • Hair loss due to common skin conditions like alopecia areata

While there are many skin conditions, alopecia areata is most commonly associated with hair loss. This autoimmune condition causes the body to attack its own hair follicles. Characterized by a quarter-sized circle on a bald head and patches of hair, alopecia areata will keep coming back if left untreated. 

The most unique aspect of this condition is that it does not only cause balding on the head, it also results in hair loss in other parts of the body such as the beard and eyebrows. 

However, the good news is that there are a number of treatment options for alopecia areata that prevent its further occurrence. For instance, a steroid like triamcinolone is injected into the affected hair patches as localized injections are the best hair loss treatment Canada when the hair loss effect is mild.

Oral steroids and ultraviolet light therapy are also dependable preventive options for this condition. Even so, they may not be practical for all patients due to the risks and potential side effects that they are associated with. 

  • Hereditary hair loss

This type of hair loss affects both men and women. In fact, it is the most common cause of hair loss amongst the masses. Where it is referred to male pattern hair loss by men, women suffer from female pattern hair loss. 

It is known as hereditary hair loss because you have inherited the genes that cause hair follicles to shrink and consequently, stop growing hair. 

While shrinking of the hair follicles may occur as early as your teenage years, actual hair loss starts much later in life. In women, hereditary hair loss manifests itself by an overall thinning of the hair while for men, a bald spot on the top of the head or a receding hairline will do the trick. 

As with any other type of hair loss, prevention will stop the shedding of the hair, but the loss is bound to get worse when it is not addressed. For hereditary hair loss, prevention is done by consuming  drugs like minoxidil, a hair growth agent. 

  • Hair loss due to cancer treatment

Cancer patients experience hair loss by going through the chemotherapy process. This side effect is reported by both men and women. Hair loss during this stage occurs because strong drugs are administered for the purpose of eliminating rapidly growing cancer cells.  

The treatment causes rapid hair loss and different doses may result in either hair thinning or complete baldness. 

The good news is that as soon as the treatment is over, hair will start growing back. There is no other way around this nor is there a way to prevent hair from falling off during the chemotherapy process. 

It is important to note that the hair that initially grows back will not be as healthy as it previously was but hair will grow back as normal overtime. The only way to completely treat and avoid this kind of hair loss is by completing the required chemotherapy treatment.

  • Hair loss by medication

There are medications that cause hair loss as a side effect. Some of these medications include beta blockers, blood thinners, antidepressants and those that are known to lower cholesterol levels. 

Hormone therapy in women may also involve the use of medications that cause hormonal imbalance in the body and affect hair growth. These drugs are associated with temporary hair loss. They may either cause hair follicles to “rest” or the total loss or thinning of the hair. 

But worry not! There is a quick fix to this! If your hair loss is as a result of the medication that you are taking, then you should consider seeing a doctor for a change of drugs. This will prevent the hair from falling off even further. 

The Bottom Line

It is important to understand that hair loss can be treated successfully. However, the first step is to ensure that you determine what is causing your hair to fall off. This way, you will know what you are treating. 


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