Nasir Shah Wani Success Story: From Zero to Executing A Million Dollar Business Idea, Owning Urdu Live and Pakistan E Group

Pakistani entrepreneur who knows how to level up the game with a professional outlook


Muhammad Nasir Shah Wani, a name with many stories attached is a thriving Pakistani entrepreneur. Coming from a humble background, without possessions, from a small village defines his past. However, today he is a multi-millionaire with million-dollar innovative ideas to kick-start any business. The journey according to him was not smooth; had many challenges, hurdles, and situational problems on the road towards the goal. Even though he was a rookie in the field, Wani still managed to travel in the chosen direction. The story of his struggles and the journey from not so financially strong individual is shared with you all for inspirational purposes.

Family Background 

Challenges of being born in a so not affluent family in a village can set limits to many. But it means nothing to those who have a vision and understanding of the direction to opt for. Wani belongs to the second lot, those who are not so rich but are sure about the destiny to walk on.

You must be thinking as to what really happened that changed his life. Well, the right decision at the right time. Yes! To him, it was not always if and why me. There was no whining but only shining in the end. For that, he made sure to follow in the footsteps of highly effective and successful people.

According to him, it was always a “no excuse policy” and “no fear game”. He knew the repercussions and side-effects of procrastination and coming up with excuses. Hence, keep it as a thumb rule and the basic understanding of how to go about making a million-dollar business avenue, he decided not to study after getting fundamental education. The decision was not acknowledged by his fellows, parents, or relatives. Good thing is, nothing stopped the decision he took.

Choosing the Uncalled Direction – Digital Marketing  

Soon after dropping out of studies, he started seeking a job. Like planned and the ideas, he never went experienced corporate life. Instead, digital marketing happened in such a way that today, he is beyond what we would want at his age.

Digital marketing served him well. So good that he wanted to explore newer dimensions of financial growth. From that point, he made a pact to make others achieve goals and dreams. His passion for helping others was immense and beyond limits. Which is the reason why he made more than ever effort in setting businesses.

What happened next?

He started a company with hundreds of young individuals working under his command. He made a fortune of money by making millions of dollars over the period of time. Today, he is the owner and founder of Urdu Live, a website that features all sorts of news. There are several categories with the mission of imparting news and knowledge to the audience. Some of the categories are international news, local news, trade, sports, and e-paper.

Besides that, he runs a company called Pakistan E Group. In this company, he trains, polishes, and hires young professionals who want to chase their dreams. Also, he is the chief editor of a daily newspaper, Talib.  

Challenges and Obstacles on the Journey 

If the road is smooth and there isn’t any hurdle or challenge, you’ll have lesser means of learning through experimentation, says Wani. According to him each challenge and obstacle makes him more goal-oriented.

Strategies, tactics, and plans work in removing the challenges. Sometimes, they work. Other times they don’t. That is exactly where you have to stay determined and focused. And that is what Wani did to ensure success is waiting for him.

Every time after falling, he knew how to stand. What measures to integrate to make things happen. The practice became more like an unavoidable drill. “I never trusted anyone more than myself because with time I learned what will make me fall or rise”, says Wani.

Connect with Nasir Shah Wani 

Stay connected with him to get to know the latest updates, learn or work with him, and any other reason. It will help you just the way it had helped hundreds of people in the past. Follow him on social media on the links mentioned below. Read the news and watch Urdu Live for entertainment to get inspiration to own something similar in the near future. Remember, if he can, you can too.

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