Does Reiki Improve Focus? Experts William McGirr of Two Peacocks & Carol Robinson of Angels Among Us Reiki Explain


Many people require a lot of focus in their daily lives to make things happen, and a narrow focus can benefit people immensely. But how does one ensure that they remain focused when there is an ever-increasing move toward total connectivity? People don’t even leave their homes without being connected via their cell phones to their email. Breaking this dependency on connection is crucial for restoring focus as being bombarded with information makes it nearly impossible for one to focus. Carol Robinson of Angels Among Us Reiki (@angelsamongusreiki) believes that meditation and restorative therapy may be among the most potent ways for individuals to recover their focus in an ever-changing world.

The Power of Meditation for Focus

Meditation can help manage one’s emotional control and focus, and it has long been a method of linking one’s mind with one’s body. Many individuals see it as a spiritual journey that lets them experience the world in a fashion that doesn’t remove them from it. With the level of disconnectedness many people have with the world, meditation brings them back to Earth and gives them a unique perspective. Busy individuals can significantly benefit from having this perspective as it offers them unique ways to solve the problems facing them every day.

Differing Takes on Alternative Healing

Carol Robinson, the founder of Angels Among Us Reiki, believes that healing happens from within. Having trained for years to be a reiki master, she has explored several different types of energy healing and has learned that there are similarities in many of them. Angels Among Us Reiki focuses on showing clients that peace within themselves comes with beauty and love. The facility occupies a wide range of ponds and paths that add to the serene feeling that permeates the location. Meditation is an accepted practice, and Carol sees it as a way for clients to get in tune with nature.

An alternative way of seeing the world comes to us from Two Peacocks (@twopeacockss). William McGirr (@william_mcgirr) has gone through many struggles in his life and has made it his mission to reconnect with the Earth and share its healing with others. Through his long journey, he has invested time and effort into learning how to accept himself as he is, the good and the bad. The hashtag #FreeYourPeacock covers succinctly what he’s trying to do in the space of self-discovery. It’s by facing himself and growing from his understanding that he’s managed to be such a well-respected, inspirational speaker and influencer. William believes that humans can only be happy if the Earth is happy, and his approach centers around this revelation.

Alternative Healing as a Tool

Alternative healing can be a valuable way for individuals to reconnect with themselves. However, each reiki practitioner’s approach to achieving this goal may be distinctly different. While Angels Among Us Reiki focuses on meditation and finding one’s inner peace, Two Peacocks looks inward at oneself and tries to reconnect that person to the world around them. Both have their benefits, and the end goal is the same: to bring peace to the individual and center their soul.

Final Thoughts

Focus is necessary to succeed. Carol’s unique take on alternative healing and getting in touch with oneself has immense potential as a tool to restore focus. Every busy individual knows how difficult it is to get back on track when there are so many elements demanding attention. However, this peace of mind is necessary for one’s mental well-being. Not enough people look at meditation, but it’s a useful tool to help deal with stress and anxiety. Combined with traditional medicines such as reiki, it can make for a powerful combination to get a stressful life back on track.

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