Moose Jaw, SK – The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) air demonstration teams officially began their 2021 season today after formal certification by the Commanders of 1 Canadian Air Division and 2 Canadian Air Division following an acceptance show at 15 Wing Moose Jaw.

Images by MS Roxanne Wood
19 Wing Imaging
2017, DND-MDN Canada
Le 11 avril 2017
19e Escadre Comox
Les Snowbirds des Forces canadiennes (431e Escadron de démonstration aérienne) donnent un spectacle au-dessus de la 19e Escadre Comox.
Le 431e Escadron de démonstration aérienne et l’équipe de démonstration du CF-18 se sont rendus à la 19e Escadre Comox afin de terminer leur entraînement en vue de la saison de spectacles aériens de 2017. Environ 42 militaires et 14 avions CT-114 ont participé au déploiement des Snowbirds des Forces canadiennes. Les pilotes se familiariseront avec le terrain montagneux et les lieux de spectacles au-dessus de l’eau.
Photos : Matc Wood R.E.
Services multimédias de la 19e Escadre
This summer, the Canadian Forces Snowbirds will be joined by the CF-18 Demonstration team as they again fly under Operation INSPIRATION and attend airshows and conduct flybys across Canada and the United States.
Flying under Operation INSPIRATION will also provide an opportunity to carry on the legacy of Captain Jenn Casey, the Snowbirds Public Affairs Officer who lost her life during the first iteration of Operation INSPIRATION in May 2020 and whose dedication was instrumental to connecting the CAF with Canadians during her time with the air demonstration teams. Both teams are honoured to continue this work.
Throughout the 2021 season the RCAF air demonstration teams will be following local, provincial and federal health measures including wearing masks, frequent hand washing, social distancing and limiting their movements in communities as much as possible. These measures may be updated throughout the season as directed by public health and military medical authorities.
“I am so proud of the resilience and professionalism of our air demonstration teams and their successful return following the devastating loss of Captain Casey last year. Operation INSPIRATION’s goal is to inspire and build relationships with Canadians. I think it is a fitting tribute that these two teams carry on this mission,” states, Brigadier-General Denis O’Reilly, Commander 2 Canadian Air Division.
Quick Facts
- The teams’ schedules can be found on their websites and social media pages and are subject to change as provincial restrictions are updated.
- The CF Snowbirds and CF-18 Demonstration Team are committed to the health and safety of their audiences and will adhere to the highest level of COVID-19 precautions. The teams will work with each air show and event to ensure COVID-19 measures are in place for both the team and the general public.
- Team members, like many Canadian Armed Forces members across Canada, have been receiving their first vaccine dose in recent weeks and will have the opportunity to receive their second dose as they become eligible.
- The CF Snowbirds have been entertaining audiences and inspiring future aviators across North America since 1971 and are excited to celebrate their 50th anniversary in 2021.
- The CF-18 Demonstration Team’s 2021 theme is “Strong at Home,” representing the commitment to domestic operations that the RCAF and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are involved with throughout Canada. The RCAF is committed to 24/7 operations in the defence of Canada and North America. Each day, aviators work hard to protect the lives of Canadians through NORAD operations, aeronautical Search and Rescue across Canada, rapid response to natural disasters, and operations to combat COVID-19 and the ongoing pandemic.