Natalia Elenkina at Home: A Day in the Life of Instagram’s Hottest Model

Natalia Elenkina
Natalia Elenkina

We managed to score a quick chat with the woman currently breaking the internet to find out how she spends her days.

We recently managed to track down miss Natalia Elenkina to find out how she lives her life. At the tender age of twenty-something, we wanted to know all about her day-to-day life. What did we learn? That being an Instagram model is hard work!

Who is Natalia Elenkina?

This modeling beauty came from a humble lifestyle, was raised by two loving Russian parents, and found fame from the very first moment that she uploaded a picture of herself to Instagram. When she was fresh out of high school, she scored her first modeling contract with a local designer – and has progressed to work with some of the biggest names in fashion.

Now on the scene for her third year of outstanding work, we caught up with Natalia Elenkina to find out what she does everyday… indeed, Instagram pictures aren’t that hard to take…

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

First, Natalia doesn’t get up at 7/8 am like the rest of us. She rarely sleeps in and spends most mornings waking up at 5.30! This extra time allows her a two-hour workout session in her gym before her hair, and makeup artists show up.

“Instagram is like Hollywood. You can’t be caught twice in the same outfit, let alone looking a few pounds heavier than usual because you are bloated!”

Every day at 8 am, her hair and makeup aides show up to give her a fresh, glowing look. From there, the three girls enjoy a chat and some expensive coffees before Natalia’s photographer shows up for the day.

The shoots are different, taken in other rooms of Natalia’s high-class home or even out on Hollywood’s streets. They are taken in shoot style, with lots of photographs done in one session. They will have lunch somewhere lovely; then they will retire to Natalia’s studio, where they can pick the best pics.

Some shots are uploaded to Instagram, some short videos are posted to YouTube or TikTok, and some are sent to the brands that sponsor Natalia to keep doing what she is doing.

A Hectic Schedule

Natalia’s hectic schedule is then followed by answering messages from fans, tending her many social media accounts, replying to sponsors, working on new deals, and arranging finances for her next big trip – right through until teatime.

What does the evening meal consist of? Natalia has her thoughts about food…

“You can eat a whole bowl of broccoli for the same calories as about half a chocolate bar. It’s not about not eating, as a modern model, it’s about loving yourself enough to eat only wholesome, good, nutritious foods.”

And we agree!

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