MNRF Sets Access Restrictions In Effect for Areas Around Kenora 025 and 027 Wildfires

Ministry of Natural Resources CL-451 Water Bomber - Photo by Guy Gascoigne
Ministry of Natural Resources CL-451 Water Bomber - Photo by Guy Gascoigne

KENORA – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Kenora District, is advising the public that due to extreme forest fire activity in the Kenora area from the KEN025 fire, an Implementation Order is in effect until further notice that restricts access and use of certain roads and Crown lands.

All travel, use and access to the following areas are prohibited: Richard Lake Road, East Hawk Lake Road, Willard Lake Roads, Gordon Lake Road including the Shrub Lake Road, McIntosh Road and all other branch roads south of the Canadian National Railway line (15U 456603 5536414), all roads on the south and east side of the Jones Road/Hwy 671 beginning at the High Lake junction up to the Canadian National Railway/Jones Road intersection.

All use or occupation of Crown land on or within 500 metres of the described closed roads above is prohibited. No person shall enter those areas and all non-essential personnel in those identified areas must evacuate immediately, unless authorized by a travel permit issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Kenora District, is also advising the public that due to extreme forest fire activity in the Kenora area from the KEN027 fire, an Implementation Order is in effect until further notice that restricts access and use of certain roads and Crown lands.

All travel, use and access to the following areas are prohibited: Sand Lake Road from the intersection of Hwy 596, east through to the English River Road, and all branch roads within; English River Road beginning at unnamed road (1 kilometre north of Forgotten Lake), through to Lennan Road, including all roads within. All use or occupation of Crown land on or within 500 metres of the described closed roads above is prohibited. No person shall enter those areas and all non-essential personnel in those identified areas must evacuate immediately, unless authorized by a travel permit issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

For information on how to obtain a travel permit please contact the Kenora District office 807-456-2700.

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