Northwest Fire Region UPDATE – May 2, 2021

The Forest Fire Hazard heading into the weekend is high in Northern Ontario

Thunder Bay – CLIMATE –  There have been two new fires reported in the region. Drying conditions have generated the fires in the Kenora region.

  • There were two new fires discovered in the northwest region by the afternoon of May 2.
    • Kenora 12 has been declared out at 0.2 hectares and was located near the community of Wabaseemoong Independent Nation, approximately 50 kilometres northwest of Kenora.
    • Kenora 13 has been declared out at 0.1 hectares and was located near the community of Wabaseemoong Independent Nation, approximately 50 kilometres northwest of Kenora.
  • There was one new fire following yesterday’s report. Dryden 10 is under control at 0.3 hectares and is located near Boyer Lake, approximately 38 kilometres southeast of Dryden.
  • At the time of this update, there is one active fire in the region. It is under control.
  • The fire hazard is predominantly moderate to high with an area of low hazard in the eastern portion of the region. Rain in the forecast.
  • To see the fire hazard near you, consult the interactive fire map at

Follow Ontario’s Outdoor Burning Regulations 

Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services would like to remind the public to use caution when performing any outdoor burning. In order to dispose of yard waste and woody debris, we encourage you to use methods such as composting or using your local landfill. If you must burn, follow Ontario’s outdoor burning regulations.

Fires are to be ignited no sooner than 2 hours before sunset and extinguished no later than 2 hours after sunrise.

Always have tools/water adequate to contain the fire at the site.

Know the rules for safe outdoor burning. To consult the full set of outdoor burning regulations under Ontario’s Forest Fire Prevention Act, visit our website

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