Founder of Shaposh and Renown E-Sport Player, Abdul Haseeb


Abdul Haseeb Nasir, the famous e-sport Pakistani gamer infamously also known by the name of fsBLACK ,is currently 21 and born in Gujranwala. Learning and completing his academics in Comsats, Islamabad, the youthful grown-up has dependably been centered around e-sports. Haseeb is given to sports and is additionally enthused about web-based gaming, widely implied for overpowering famous combat games,namely Call of Duty, Splinter Cell, and Pubg. Adjacent to virtual games, he used to play cricket and badminton back in his youth dependably expected to be a piece of the Pakistan cricket bunch. However, at a later stage, he quit playing cricket. Abdul never considered being a piece of e-gaming yet obliged it after a school mate of his asked him to play Pubg. Upon the recommendation of his friend, he began playing Pubg on a general level and governed different matches. That is the way wherein he came into the field of gaming and became what he is known as today. Additionally, he has conferred on various occasions that he recognizes e-sports in Pakistan had no basic spot until Pubg was played by Pakistani individuals. He besides recognizes that e-sport in Pakistan will at long last wind up being extraordinary as Pakistan is getting more allies and the public authority is in like way participating in e-sports. Abdul Haseeb Nasir clarifies that unfathomable players can without a doubt change into a piece of the e-sport area. He uncovers to us how any player who is acceptable at e-game can from the outset play a nearby game and not much later can battle with different players in public and finally on an overall level. E-sport is positively seen as an incredibly advantageous field as the field of e-sport is as of now saw as a more noticeable industry than Bollywood and Hollywood while it contributes and makes a tremendous extent of cash. Abdul Haseeb Nasir in like way guarantees that the ascending of the gaming business can be unquestionably better for Pakistan’s economy as more competitions would mean a higher extent of cash would be conveyed.

Also, since Pakistan is presumably going to get more benefactors like BMW, it will verifiably improve Pakistan’s economy. Abdul Haseeb Nasir, a comparable individual who is inclined toward e-sports is similarly the Chief Marketing Officer of one of the main corrective brands in Pakistan, Sha-Posh. Sha-Posh is a prominent brand that is making and changing masterminded to-wear pieces of clothing in Pakistan. Its assembling production line fills in as the head and prime explanation of the accumulating of pieces of clothing which joins work from the needing to its creation. These are outfitted with such a principle that is required. They further circuit work like hand weaving, modernized printing, screen printing, block-printing, and machine weaving. The administrations given to the customers by Sha-Posh are enormously seen because of various establishments made by a brand. Sha-posh serves its customers with both lawn and khaddar, which cover both the summer and winter requirements of their customers. Their gear plays perfection by making superb outfits in a lesser time. Now and again, articles that change in the assortment are additionally taken care of by their refreshed apparatus. Furthermore, the claim to fame of square printing, automated printing, and screen printing is also passed on by Sha-Posh to make great and unprecedented outfits for the customers.

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