Founder of BNCW Media: How Aditya Raj Singh Is Helping Financial Businesses grow Their Online Presence

Aditya Raj Singh

Aditya Raj Singh has always been interested in the matters of finance and learning about things that help businesses online. This is the reason he founded his financial marketing agency Stallion Cognitive after he dropped out of his high school. Now, before Aditya Raj Singh had already gained some ground in the world while he was making a lot of money from a New York based financial news portal company working as a part-time developer.

The folks there absolutely loved him and his work, that is why he was one of the well-paid employees of the company, but since, as mentioned earlier, he had his dreams to follow. It took him not over two years to make his agency Stallion Cognitive big because of his goodwill and amazing work.

There is a reason people try to build up goodwill, because there is nothing better than a good client. They will refer you to anybody and everybody who needs their job done in very less time and with complete accuracy. He also received an offer of more than $500,000 for stallion cognitive, but he had refused to sell his first startup. The major reason he turned it down is because he said it is a growing agency and knew that it was about to grow more.

Basically, Stallion Cognitive is about building an online foundation for financial businesses primarily in order to drive them more leads to bring more, giving it a unique identity, the perfect exposure, clients, and so much more. The main motive is to help people out in order to recognize the strong points in their business, fix their issues regarding the loopholes in their website, making a strong security system to ensure that absolutely nothing goes wrong on work, educating them about the different tools that they can make use of digitally in their business, and more such strategies which are actually practical apart from being easy to use.

Aditya Raj Singh actually has worked hard over years and almost without the support of anyone else, if not his clients. Since he dropped out of high-school, even his family was not very supportive of this decision. Yet he made it and he made it big as he had the right amount of skills and determination to do so.


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