Pro Body Builder Eric Janicki Gets Everyone Into The Shape Of Their Lifetime

Pro Body Builder Eric Janicki Gets Everyone Into The Shape Of Their Lifetime

The professional athlete and founder of Faction Training has set his focus on sharing the process and secrets behind his success. As a multi-entrepreneur himself, his coaching is tailored for business people and working entrepreneurs with a tight schedule.

Being a professional body-builder, Janicki knows that selling simple training schedules behind a lot of marketing won’t cut it. Anything but a holistic and customized approach will never bring sustainable, satisfying results. His clients aren’t 15-year-olds that are looking for a shortcut to a ‘He-Man’ look. 
Instead, the Faction team around Janicki aims at a more exclusive and established target group. And proves to them that almost any fitness goals are achievable and compatible with their committed lifestyles.

The educational approach looks at several aspects, including nutrition, gut health, food quality, mental health, and also physical performance. Janicki knows that the only way to healthy and sustainable wellness is by progressing in all of these fields. Besides a stronger performing physique, higher energy levels, and more confidence and comfort in their own body, the coaching team of 5 also aims for their clients to develop an overall healthier relationship with food, and gain the knowledge about reasons and benefits behind certain routines.

The founder who went from a varsity athlete in multiple sports into the world of business and wealth management, gained and maintains a respected standing in the international professional bodybuilding scene to this day.

As the CEO of the company, he manages a team of salespeople, full-time videographers, ad consultants, and of course, Faction’s coaches. Pushing and growing a business on that level while exceeding his athlete career at the same time, Janicki’s clients are looking at someone who they trust. “If this man can build and scale a business of this quality and size while maintaining a position amongst top body-builders in the world – why wouldn’t he be able to get me in my dream shape despite my full-time commitments?”, would be the question any entrepreneurs would have to ask themselves.

Eric Janicki’s Faction didn’t just appear overnight. The driven businessman started training his first clients while still working in finance. Shortly after deciding to dedicate his full time and efforts to coaching, he had established himself as one of the most successful personal trainers in Hollywood. And with a social media following of almost a million people, it is safe to say that the coach has become some kind of celebrity himself.

With the stage set, success stories and testimonials are flowing in from Faction’s top clientele. It’ll be interesting to see how this company and Janicki will position themselves in this massive industry over the next years, but it is safe to say they are currently amongst the most promising boutique online fitness companies and worth keeping your eyes on.

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