“Helping People Become the Best Version of Themselves Makes Me the Happiest,” Says Image Consultant Mena Garcia

"Helping People Become the Best Version of Themselves Makes Me the Happiest," Says Image Consultant Mena Garcia
"Helping People Become the Best Version of Themselves Makes Me the Happiest," Says Image Consultant Mena Garcia

An image consult could be utilized in almost any walk of life. Be it personal, professional, in person, or online, these style gurus help people and businesses be the best versions of themselves. A multi-faceted consultant like Mena Garcia can deliver results that are nothing less than reinvention.

This Argentina native is bilingual in English and Spanish, a SCUBA instructor, a model (in Los Angeles, New York, and London nonetheless), completing a college degree in fashion production, and has specialized training in hair, makeup, nail, and color design. If you need a complete transformation, this is the woman to call. Yet Mena does not turn people or companies into something they are not, she simply helps them achieve their potential. Working with clients on these upgrades makes Mena her happiest, as this is a woman who truly loves what she does.

All of this is done with social consciousness, as Mena is a vegan who takes a stand against animal cruelty and chooses to work with brands who have similar ethics. Her preference is to partner with businesses that are vegan, cruelty-free, and support animal charities. She is also out to dispel the myth that you can’t achieve a variety of looks with these types of products. As more companies align to this trend, more products are becoming available.

Due to its social and environmental impact, Mena does not support “fast fashion” but rather clothing that is made to last and with cruelty-free manufacturing practices. She is looking for companies that are willing to go the extra mile to be eco-friendly. As for her clients, she is out to dispel outdated beauty standards. Mena is well aware that people come in a wide array of shapes and sizes. When she gets a new client, the first step is an interview so Mena knows what she is working with, what the client wants, and how to create a customized solution for this individual.

Note the word customized, as there is no one size fits all in this business. Mena works one on one with each client to find the optimal clothing for their body type, their style personality, how that person wants to feel, facial analysis, and color analysis to find the ideal clothing and makeup to flatter every skin tone, eye color, and hair shade. Skincare is also a big focus, and Mena customizes routines for clients based on their skin type and concern.

Between earning a degree, actively modeling, her image consultant business, SCUBA instruction, plus designing a vegan, cruelty-free clothing and makeup line, Mena has a full schedule. Yet she is never too busy for her clients and is always ready to help them be the best version of themselves.

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