Meet Miami’s Hottest Up and Coming Brand, GITI


Starting in 2003 from Gainesville, Florida to now being in Miami, Florida, and online worldwide, GITI is your one-stop-shop for a complete outfit whatever the occasion. Christopher Chong had the incredible idea of launching a fast fashion store to rival the largest heads of affordable fashion in these changing times. He has now done that and has amassed nearly 200,000 followers on Instagram alone- the most popular social media app for people under 30.


A fashion baby that was formed in Chong’s dream became a reality when he planted his store and then made the challenging shift to online. But online, came with greater ideas, a wider reach, and unknowingly helped him work out the kinks long before the global pandemic was a thorn in a retailer’s side.

In a business sense, GITI is incredible and offers something that other clothing companies, specializing in constantly changing fashion like Fashion Nova, Boohoo, and ASOS, is a large plus-size section that fits and is beautiful for the client. They have a dedicated Curly girl page and online store section to keep things simple and easy to find.


Failure is temporary and not forever. The GITI team has had hard days yet keeps striving to post consistently and maintain high levels of customer satisfaction, as women deserve the best and their customers know it. A quote that Chong lives by is by Denis Waitley-

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”

The model

A strong social media presence, a clear target audience, and a love for helping women love all of themselves by having the latest outfit for the occasion. They cover the major platforms, create evergreen pieces and timely posts.

This boutique also works as the middleman by buying large quantities and absolving potential problems and reselling to other smaller stores that are starting and cannot cough up big bucks and take on huge losses. Chong had a plan, keeps planning, and does not stop growing. He started with just himself and now employs 30 members of staff with a diverse range of personalities, style and flair that all add to the GITI family.

Daily system

He uses what everyone uses, a smartphone and people’s time and money. The GITI social media team ingeniously posts content made by their customers (hashtag #GITIGIRLS), showcasing their outfits and not just stock images from manufacturers. The GITI family motivate and encourage each other, when the staff see their images, they are motivated by the customer’s excitement to show off the pieces. Online they show real people, wearing real clothes, in real outfits whether it be to sit casually at home or go out and dazzle the world.

Keep watching

GITI is for the free, adventurous young women of the world. They plan to intentionally style more of their pieces to wider markets and give the other parts of the world they want and what is more common to Europe, Asia and more. Their brand image and voice is important, so keeping up with trends and staying ahead of the curve is paramount to their success.

The team
The founder wanted to say that without the core team they wouldn’t be where they are today.

The Social Media, Packing/Shipping and Wholesale departments have been working and giving their best allowing GITI to thrive in the crowded online space.

For the latest trends and styles, follow them online on FacebookInstagram and YouTube

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