How Yannick Van Den Bos Travels The World As A Digital Entrepreneur

Yannick Van Den Bos

Yannick van den Bos is a digital entrepreneur, affiliate marketing expert, inspirational speaker, and writer. He had faced several hardships in his life, including the financial crisis, but he successfully overcame all odds.

Today, he has not just carved his niche as a digital entrepreneur but also a keynote speaker. The youth are highly impressed by Yannick’s innovative business approach and entrepreneurial skills. They look up to him as a source of motivation.

Yannick has been also compassionate enough to explain to aspiring entrepreneurs about the nitty-gritty of online business and affiliate marketing. Yannick often delivers key lectures on similar topics like how to start and grow an online business, making money online, affiliate marketing tips, and how to generate leads and sales through digital advertising campaigns.

Top Four Golden Rules for Affiliate Marketing

Just like with every other entrepreneurial venture, getting success in affiliate marketing requires firm determination, hard work, and perseverance. Yannick cited four golden steps to accomplish success in this field.

Right Product

Choosing the right product for affiliate marketing is the first step. Here, you can sell both products and services but Yannick prefers people to sell information products as those don’t require overhead expenses that physical products do.

“People are always looking out for online e-book, PDFs, and resources that can solve their problems.  For example; one can sell an online course, fitness ebook, guide on dog training, etc. The list is endless. You can choose similar stuff to start selling online.” Yannick opined.

Right Audience

The next stage is to find the right audience—who would be interested in buying what you are offering. “Finding the right audience for your product is always the fun part. You have to think as your ideal customer and think where you would hang out, or in simpler terms, where you would look for answers to your problems. Nowadays advertising platforms like Facebook and Google make this a lot easier”.  Yannick suggested.

Right Traffic

Yannick states that spending money on advertising campaigns is the fastest way to generate leads and sales. You can start by advertising your products/ services on YouTube and Facebook. Facebook ads can help as they also provide demographic and traffic options that will give you vital stats and insight on demographics, people’s preferences, and other information. Creative, informative and attractive ads always generate quality leads in pay per click advertising.

Returns on Investment (ROI)

After getting your advertising data, you have to then analyze your ROI. How much money did you get for every dollar spent?

Here, you can do some adjustments to your online ad campaigns and wait for the results. You should start using spreadsheets to store all essential stuff in a single place.

Initially, things may look a bit tough; but once you start earning, everything will fall in its place. If you do it right, then you can even start earning a full-time living as an affiliate marketer.

Yannick Van Den Bos Enjoys His Global Tours

Yannick van den Bos is now a full-time affiliate marketer and entrepreneur. Big-big organizations and companies often invite him as a keynote speaker at their global events. Over thousands of people, including aspiring entrepreneurs and marketing professionals attended his seminars and events to listen to his speeches.

Yannick runs his affiliate business on his Laptop—he can go anywhere he wishes to. His growing popularity as a successful affiliate marketing expert and businessman has now established his credentials as an international speaker and motivational guru. He now aims to empower the youth to learn affiliate marketing and start earning from anywhere in the world.

As a sought-after motivational speaker and well-established digital entrepreneur Yannick has spoken all over the world; United States, Thailand, The Netherlands, Mexico, Fiji, Dominican Republic, and Spain to name a few countries. Had he been working elsewhere as an employee, Yannick wouldn’t have got so much fame and the so-called ‘laptop lifestyle’.

Yannick attributes his entrepreneurial success to his sound knowledge and insight into affiliate marketing. He had been working tremendously hard for the last so many years to fulfil his ambition.

 The Conclusion

What makes Yannick’s entrepreneurial journey different from the rest has been his constant focus on affiliate marketing and digital advertising. Yannick considers affiliate marketing as the most potent source of growing business online and making money consistently.

“As an affiliate marketer, you don’t have to create your own product. All you have to do is promote other people’s products. Know your numbers, it’s all a numbers game. Once you start profiting $2 for every $1 you spend, then you’re well on your way to making life-changing money. It’s as simple as that,” Yannick stated in one of his recent interviews.



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