Parents Asked to Screen Children Before Sending them to School

Covid-19 in classrooms

Thunder Bay – NEWS – Surging COVID-19 numbers have the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and the Lakehead Board of Education shifting directs.

COVID-19 Outbreaks at several schools have prompted change.

The Health Unit has in conjunction with the Lakehead Board of Education issued this letter to parents:

Dear Lakehead Public Schools families,

New screening measures have been recently introduced provincially which build on the ones that have been in place since September. The following information was provided by the TBDHU to help keep our school communities safe.


1. Screen your child/children every day. Do NOT send your child to school if they do not pass the screen. The screening tool is available online at and has recently been updated. Students in Grade 9-12 must also verify once they arrive at school that they have completed the daily screen.

2. If any member of your household (child or adult) has any symptoms, even if it is one symptom, the person with symptoms AND all household members are required to isolate until:

-The symptomatic individual receives a negative COVID-19 test result, or an alternate diagnosis by a health care professional.
-If there is no test or alternate diagnosis, the symptomatic individual must isolate for 10 days from symptom onset, and all other household members must isolate for 14 days from their last contact with the symptomatic individual.

3. If any person in your household is considered a high risk contact of someone who has COVID-19, any students in the household should NOT attend school in-person during the risk period. Work with your child’s school to determine alternative options. (Note that this is NOT in the Ontario screening tool and must be considered separately.)

4. Please do not have your child/children interact in-person with others outside of your household, other than attending school/childcare. This is not the time for any in-person get-togethers, including birthday parties, having others over for dinner and having sleepovers. The virus spreading among children who are together outside of school can have a big impact on classes, schools and other families.

If you have any questions about the changes to the provincial school and child care screening tool, you can visit the Thunder Bay District Health Unit’s website at or call TBDHU at (807) 625-5900 or toll free at 1-888-294-6630.

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