Minoeve: The Pandemic is Changing the Way the Arts Work

Minoeve: The Pandemic is Changing the Way the Arts Work

The Coronavirus crisis impacts the way arts are delivered and enjoyed right here in San Francisco.

Minoeve says that the pandemic has had a profound impact on the way that we work. As it progresses, she believes that the future audience will be almost entirely digital. This poses important questions, though. For example, in a digital world, what happens to the theatre?

We caught up with Miss Minoeve to see what she had to say about how the arts’ future might look in San Francisco.

Who is Miss Minoeve?

Miss Minoeve is a big name in some sectors of society. If you are lucky enough to know who she is already, you know that she has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry from her hometown of New York. 

Minoeve was born in South Korea, attended college in Seoul, and set out for America with dreams of changing the world. She worked hard to become a ring girl, eating a minimal diet and cultivating a fan club of her very own. 

Later, Miss Minoeve would start work at a gentlemen’s club, working as a hostess, chatting, and networking her way into the hearts and minds of some of society’s most influential men. From there, Minoeve learned from fellow hostesses that they made most of their money online.

How the Pandemic has impacted the Arts Scene

It was not unusual in the old world to spend an evening at the theatre, packed into venues to see your favorite band, or into cinemas. Nowadays, a full year into the pandemic, the notion of any of these is already foreign to us. 

Exhibitions like the Van Gogh exhibit being held in March are perhaps the only visual art style we can still enjoy. Where patrons are kept to a minimum and one-way systems with safe distances are in place. However, the idea of packing into rooms to enjoy entertainment has swiftly become an outdated concept. 

Instead of feeling aggrieved about the whole situation, Minoeve thinks this is the perfect time to start looking forward. Theatre has been on its proverbial last legs for a long time now, and the pandemic has forced us to examine how we can bring it into the 2020s. Hope is out there… and it usually takes the form of the internet.

Like how Minoeve once had to make the switch to an online performance artist, many others have to do the same. Check out the California Honeydrops, for example. They have started live-streaming their brand of high energy vibes straight from the studio to your home. Likewise, Minoeve has a full online subscription service set up to keep earning despite Covid-19.

The Future of the Arts

The future of the arts most definitely lies in the online world. Recitation of scripts, band practice, videographers, and live streamers – all have the end of the skills in their hands. Just because we are being forced to go digital does not mean we have to put down the pen, the script, or the costume. The arts are changing, and so are the audiences. Let us try not to get left behind.

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