Common Errors That Cause Semi-truck Motor Vehicle Collision Accidents

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It’s a fact; truck wrecks can be extremely traumatic. They can bring a lot of sadness to families.  They can also be heartbreaking—especially when severe injuries are involved. Even more, if one of the victims dies, things can be extremely devastating. According to the stats, truck accidents are on the rise. However, these accidents can be avoided. The best way to avoid these accidents is by understanding common truck driver errors. The following guide is going to deep dive you into common truck drivers’ errors and how to avoid them.

Driver Fatigue
According to research, fatigue can cause the driver to lose focus and cause an accident. Fatigue means that the driver will have slowed reactions. This means that his/her decisions will be slowed and even diminished. This happens when the driver drives for long hours. Driving for long hours can make the driver drowsy and sleepy—which is one of the biggest causes of accidents. According to experts, a driver should work a maximum of 14 hours—which includes 1 drive of 11 hours. From here, he/she must be off duty for at least 10 consecutive hours. Even more, you cannot work after spending 60+ hours on the road. However, most drivers together with their employers tend to break these rules. Consequently, they end up causing accidents. Keep accidents away from your life. Stick to the recommended working hours. Don’t overwork. It will make you sleepy and drowsy.

No Drugs, No Alcohol Use
Drugs and alcohol can cause problems—especially when you are driving. It’s important to note that drugs tend to impair your judgment. Thus, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can lead to accidents. Remember, drugs tend to impair your judgment—which lowers your reaction speed. That’s why all drivers should undergo alcohol as well as drug tests before being allowed on the road. If you have to take alcohol, do it moderately while off duty. Alcohol and driving don’t go together. It can lead to fatal road accidents—which can even cause death.

Blind, Black Spots
When it comes to truck accidents, nothing takes center stage quite like blind spots. Also known as zero-spots, blind spots are areas where the driver’s view is blocked. As a result, it’s difficult to see an incoming vehicle or pedestrian. Even more, you cannot easily see an obstacle. If you are not careful, these blind spots can cause fatal truck accidents. Thus, it’s important to be wary of these blind spots. Slow down as you approach the blind spots. Stick to the recommended speed limits while driving on blind spots. Focus more. Don’t panic while approaching blind spots. Be extra vigilant. Take full control over your truck.

Truck Rollovers
In most cases, truck rollovers occur when there is a driving error. This includes making a curve too quickly, over speeding, lack of experience, or poor distribution of the load. These things can lead to truck rollovers. Avoid these mistakes. Don’t take a curve too quickly. Slow down first. Ensure that the truck’s load is evenly distributed. Have enough rest before taking to the road. Don’t take to the road if you don’t have enough experience.

Brake Malfunctions
Check your brakes before embarking on a journey. If they are malfunctioning, the chances of causing an accident are high. It’s unfortunate that a clique of truck drivers consider depowering the front brakes just to save money. However, doing this can make them malfunction and cause accidents. This dangerous practice has caused a lot of fatal accidents. Don’t do it. Ensure that all the brakes are working. Brakes will help you control the truck during emergencies. Minus them, it will be difficult to slow down or stop in case of an emergency.  

Distracted Driving
All eyes should be on the road. Simple distractions can be fatal. Thus, ensure that your mind and eyes are on the road and the truck. Things like eating, smoking, and texting while driving can lead to a fatal road accident. Lack of concentration means that you will have a hard time responding to an emergency. It means that your response time is interfered with. So, concentrate while on the road. Don’t text. Don’t eat while on the wheels. If you have to eat or smoke, stop the truck first. Eat or smoke before embarking on your journey.

Speed is good. However, it can kill. It can lead to damages. This is especially true when it comes to driving trucks. Overspreading means that you don’t have complete control over the truck in case somebody crosses the road. It means that you have little time to act in case of an emergency. Prevent truck accidents. Observe speed limits. Drive moderately. Of course, speeding saves a lot of time. It makes things move faster. However, don’t over speed. Drive slowly. Remember, anything can happen on the road.

Don’t Follow Another Vehicle Too Closely
According to the traffic laws, you must allow a minimum of 1.5 miter distance between your truck and the car in front. Violating this rule can cause accidents—especially if the car in front applies emergency brakes. This safe distance is meant to allow you to make adjustments in case of an emergency. Unfortunately, some truck drivers don’t follow this rule. Instead, they drive too closely to the car in front. This can potentially lead to accidents in case of emergency.

Weather Conditions
Weather conditions can also cause truck accidents. Drivers who don’t take weather conditions into considerations when driving can cause accidents. In particular, things like ice, slippery road, snow, etc. can lead to truck accidents. These factors can make your truck lose traction and lead to a crash. So, pay close attention to the prevailing weather condition. Consult with the weatherman before taking to the road. Ensure that the tires are properly inflated.

How to Handle A Truck Accident

Report Immediately

Report the accident to relevant authorities in the shortest time possible. Don’t wait. The police are required to document the events leading to the accident. Call the police. Alternatively, you can ask someone to call them in. The bottom line is to have a government official document the accident in your presence. That way, you can be assured of a smooth case.

Police Report

Ensure that the police services you with a copy of a police report. This report plays an integral role when it comes to determining the cause of your case. So, ensure you have it. Also, your lawyer should have a copy of this report.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Seek immediate medical assistance. Don’t wait. The injuries can worsen and derail the healing process. Instead, go to the hospital in the shortest time possible. Ask your lawyer for referrals. Choose a doctor who is experienced in these injuries. Plus, your doctor will write a report regarding your injuries. This report will be used as evidence when litigating your case before a court of law.

Don’t Admit Liability

Don’t admit likability at the scene of the accident. Admitting liability will collapse your case. Thus, never admit liability. Leave it to the judge to decide. There are a lot of legal procedures involved when deciding a personal injury case. Thus, admitting liability at the scene of an accident is like forfeiting your rights.

Get in Touch with Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company immediately. They have the right to know what’s happening. They will send a representative to review your case. However, don’t delve into the details of the accident. Let your lawyer do it on your behalf. You may give contradicting statements that can injure your case.

Talk to Your Lawyer

Contact your lawyer immediately. Let him/her know what happened. Explain how things transpired. Inform him/her that you have sought immediate medical attention. Also, don’t hide anything regarding the incident. Plus, consider telling your lawyer about any personal injury suffered in the past.

Take Photographs

Evidence is crucial when prosecuting a case before the court. Part of the evidence lies in photographs and videos. Where possible, take photographs. Also, take videos of the accident scene. Record evidence from eyewitnesses.

Proving Negligence

Going it alone when litigating a truck accident case isn’t that easy. In particular, proving negligence can be an uphill task. The technicalities involved are complex. Even more, you have the burden of proof. Still more, you have to gather sufficient evidence. That’s why you need to hire the right truck accident lawyer to litigate the case for you. With a truck accident attorney, you have a partner who understands everything about truck accidents. He/she is conversant with the statute of limitations.  He knows how to file for claims. Even more, you will have peace of mind knowing that someone is handling your case. So, don’t go it alone. Let the experts take the wheels. They have the skills and experience to deliver real results.

Truck Accident Settlement

The process of truck accidents can be challenging. At times, it can be complex. The process is also time-consuming. It involves a lot of legal issues, steps, and technicalities. That’s why it’s not advisable to go it alone. To get the best out of your truck accident case, hire the right truck accident attorney. Here are a few steps involved when applying for settlement:

File A Claim

Filing your claim with a liability party should be the first step. In most cases, a liability party is a trucking company. However, this may also include other parties such as the truck manufacturing company or a company that manufactures spare parts of the truck.  Be sure to provide the information about the truck when calling the truck insurance company. However, desist from giving your opinion when it comes to who is at fault for the accident. Also, don’t admit liability. Don’t delve into any information about the accident. Your work is to report about the accident. Leave the rest to your lawyer.

Preserving Evidence, Conducting Investigations

Evidence is an important part of any lawsuit. So, consider preserving evidence. From photographs to police reports, preserving evidence is key when it comes to securing a settlement from a truck accident lawsuit. This is when formal investigations begin. Your lawyer will do investigations to gather adequate evidence. Things like speed and driving while texting can form part of the evidence. He/she will collect evidence like eyewitness reports, toxicity reports, truck maintenance records, and police reports. Also, the lawyer will want to have photos of the accident, videos taken at the scene of the accident, expert witness testimonials, etc.

Negotiation for Settlement

The third step involves negotiating for a settlement. Here, your Fort Worth Truck Accident Lawyer will unleash his/her negotiation skills to secure you the best settlement. Of course, the first offer can be tempting. However, don’t accept it. In most cases, your insurance company will issue you a low offer. Because of emotional as well as financial strain, you might be tempted to accept it. However, embracing patience can pay off. Allow your lawyer to exhaust all the options of getting you the best settlement. Things like medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, disability strains, etc. can make your case strong. Your attorney knows how to prove emotional harm and financial loss.

Receiving Compensation

Once everything is smooth, your insurance company will begin processing your claims. The process might take time. Insurance companies have complex procedures when it comes to processing claims for clients. Here, you should also embrace patience. Allow your lawyer to fast track the process. Don’t be under pressure. At last, you will get your settlement and carry on with your life. Meanwhile, ensure that you are getting the right medical care. Take all the medications as instructed by your doctor. Attend all the physiotherapy sessions. Carry on with your normal life. Don’t pressure your attorney. Give him/her time to process your claims. Let him/her follow the right procedure.

The Bottom-Line

Of course, accidents can happen. However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot avoid these accidents. Understanding common truck accident errors is a way of avoiding these errors. The above guide contains everything about truck drivers’ errors and how to avoid them.


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