Western and Northern Ontario Winter Road Update – February 7, 2021

February 7, 2021 Winter Roads

Thunder Bay – Winter Roads are the lifelines for communities in Northern Ontario. These roads over frozen muskeg, rivers and lakes allow for transport trucks to get into communities with supplies needed for the summer months.

These roads also allow families to get out of their communities and do some stocking up, shopping and getting staples in.

This year, with COVID-19 there are some new rules in place.

Several communities have put in place checkpoints and are restricting entry to their communities. It is worth checking before travelling.

Road Capacity Overview – 31 Winter Road Connected Communities

Communities Under construction:   17
Communities Open to Light: 9
Communities Open to Partial: 3
Communities Open to Full: 2

Corridor One – Western Corridor: Pikangikum, Poplar Hill, North Spirit Lake, Deer Lake, Sandy Lake, Keewaywin
Under Construction:               Keewaywin, Deer Lake
Open to Light:                        Poplar Hill, Sandy Lake, North Spirit Lake
Open to Partial Loads:           N/A
Open to Full Loads:                Pikangikum (open to fuel/freight deliveries only)
Temporarily Closed:               N/A

Corridor Two – Central Corridor: North Caribou Lake, Muskrat Dam, Bearskin Lake, Sachigo Lake, Cat Lake
Under Construction:               Bearskin Lake, Sachigo Lake, Cat Lake
Open to Light:                        N/A
Open to Partial Loads:           Muskrat Dam
Open to Full Loads::               North Caribou Lake
Temporarily Closed:               N/A

Corridor Three – Middle Corridor: Kingfisher Lake, Wunnumin Lake, Wawakapewin, Kasabonika Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Wapekeka
Under Construction:               Wunnumin Lake, Wawakapewin, Kasabonika Lake, Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, Wapekeka, Kingfisher Lake
Open to Light:                         N/A
Open to Partial Loads:            N/A
Open to Full Loads:                N/A
Temporarily Closed:                N/A

Corridor Four – Eastern Corridor: Neskantaga, Nibinamik, Webequie, Eabametoong, Marten Falls
Under Construction:               Webequie, Eabametoong, Marten Falls
Open to Light:                         Neskantaga, Nibinamik (current capacity when road is open)
Open to Partial Loads:            N/A
Open to Full Loads:                N/A
Temporarily Closed:             Neskantaga, Nibinamik

Corridor Five – Far North Corridors: Moose Cree, Fort Albany, Kashechewan, Attawapiskat, Weenusk, Fort Severn

(please note, Moose Cree is not constructing southern road, Wetum Road, this year, however, the community will connect to the Township of Moosonee) 

Under Construction:               Fort Severn, Weenusk, Attawapiskat
Open to Light:                        Moose Cree, Fort Albany, Kashechewan
Open to Partial Loads:           N/A
Open to Full Loads:                N/A
Temporarily Closed:               N/A

Other Winter Road Connected First Nations: Temagami, Animaki Wa Zhing #37, Northwest Angle #33
Under Construction:               N/A
Open to Light:                        Temagami
Open to Partial Loads:           Northwest Angle #33, Animaki Wa Zhing #37
Open to Full Loads:                N/A
Temporarily Closed:               N/A

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