Dr. Ourian’s Coolaser: A Smart Solution for Under Eye Dark Circles

Dr. Simon Ourian

If you see dark undereye circles in the mirror every morning this can be discouraging. Applying layers of concealing makeup and promising creams is time consuming and expensive overtime. Although there might be a temporary improvement, at the end of the day, the unsightly undereye darkness could still there.

Under eye darkness could be hereditary, or could be a result of chronic lack of sleep. No one wants to look tired, old and dragged down, especially when there are smart solutions available. Dr. Simon Ourian of Epione Beverly Hills offers cosmetic dermatology services that greatly improve quality of life. His offerings include non-surgical dark under eye circles removal.

Before and After Under Eye Dark Circles Treatment at Epione

An initial consultation with Epione Beverly Hills is necessary to properly assess the causes of one’s under eye dark circles. The assessment would allow the clinic to tell if they are able to help the patient, and which procedures would work best. The consultation would also be a good time to explore the need for good sleep habits and proper nutrition. Luckily for those who cannot come to Beverly Hills just yet, Epione offers a virtual consultation option, too.

Dr. Ourian recommends procedures that perfectly matches the patient’s individual condition. Typically, a combination of procedures is done, both of which are relatively painless, non-invasive and require minimal downtime. First, the Coolaser, an advanced therapy the doctor himself pioneered, is used on the area. The amazing, Epione-exclusive technology works on all types of skins and treats various concerns. Then, the doctor may inject Neustem, a form of dermal filler that would fill in hollowness under the eyes. Everything is done with topical anesthetic and ice, taking only 20 minutes. Recovery time ranges from an hour to a couple of days of mild swelling and some redness.

The results of this Coolaser and Neustem tandem can last up to several years. It is a real enhancement to a patient’s quality of life, increasing confidence and satisfaction with that morning glance in the mirror. Dr. Simon Ourian of Epione Beverly Hills provides a gold standard response to dark under-eye circles. Visit www.epionebh.com and follow @SimonOurianMD1 on Instagram to learn more on what he does.

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