Digital Marketing Guru Craig Campbell To Speak At Podfest Asia

Craig Campbell

Craig Campbell, the highest-paid Scottish businessman on YouTube after landing a six-figure sponsorship deal with ODYS Global, is an internationally known SEO expert.

A marketing wizard, Campbell’s business channel on YouTube in the United Kingdom has an enviable 45,000 subscribers. He will be one of the attractions as a speaker at the forthcoming Podfest Asia.

A globe-trotting coach, teacher, and influencer, Campbell has proved the worth of SEOs as the most potent marketing tool. He is going to unfold many secrets of SEO as a market mantra in Podfest Asia.

Craig’s participation in Podfest Asia will benefit hundreds of people across the world. He will explain the need for SEO in its marketing perspective with new ideas that he has innovated, of late.

Campbell will focus on the SEO strategy that people can follow to enhance their earnings through digital marketing.

Here, Campbell will bring a ray of hope to hundreds of people through his lectures on how not to succumb to the pandemic psychosis but to utilize the time in enhancing the income through newer ways of applying SEO marketing.

In the backdrop of thousands of people losing their jobs due to the COVID-19 globally, Campbell’s direction-oriented lectures can be replicated and followed to attain economic self-sufficiency. He is poised to open up a new vista of self-growth through his lessons on digital marketing.

Another major benefit that those attending Podfest Asia can reap is Campbell’s well-thought-out road-map for people to adopt digital marketing and SEO strategy as an alternative career. This career can also be launched from home without going to the office or workplace.

He is also sponsoring ODYS Global to coach the people and also, running Question &Answer sessions for their benefits. During the COVID-19 downturn and lockdowns, this emerged as a major learning platform.

The outbreak of COVID-19 undoubtedly has brought about massive problems but, Campbell says this also has opened up new avenues as one can utilize the lockdown period in learning digital marketing which is the future of the world.

Launched in 2020 by Wayne, PodFest Asia is Asia’s first podcast-themed conference to be attended by thousands of people belonging to different walks of life, besides digital marketing. Campbell is going to be one of its star attractions.

Campbell entered into the SEO domain 18 years ago to carve out a vast space for himself. Today, he is virtually the keyword for the digital marketing strategy.

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