Strength and Resilience: Keys to Lotanna Ezeike’s Success

Lotanna Ezeike is a 23-year-old based in London, UK. Lotanna is the founder of UK's #1 app for Influencers - XPO

“You may meet success

With full access

And determination

Still more efforts needed for action

Think of primary goal

Think respond to call

You are in mid way

The aim should not be washed away”

The above are lines from Hasmukh Amathalal’s poem “With Hard Work”. The poem’s theme of hard work and resilience is exactly the story of Lotanna Ezekie’s life.

Lotanna Ezeike is a 23-year-old based in London, UK. Lotanna is the founder of UK’s #1 app for Influencers – XPO. He founded this app with just 13k in funding.

Lotanna has had his fair share of troubles in life, and every time he has sailed through the stormy seas. Ships don’t brave such seas with just wind, it needs skills, strength and dedication to steer through such seas, and above all a committed captain. Lotanna has a determined spirit which has helped him conquer many great things.

The key to his success lies in his unique perception of challenging situations. He doesn’t see them as obstacles – something that is here to stop his path, he sees them as hurdles – something that compels him to rise above in order to continue.

Lotanna’s drive and ambition show a long road of even greater success. He says of his future plans, “I have no plans to stop. I am determined to scale up XPO. Online shops offer Klarna as a payment option to their customers. We want big brands like Boohoo and Nike to offer XPO as an alternative payout option to the creators and agencies they work with.”

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