Model Ashley Smouter Talks Passion for Animals & Social Media

Ashley Smouter

Although modeling and social media have a lot in common—an emphasis on beautiful content to be one—the latter is much more about personality, and sharing it with the world. Instagram is the perfect platform for models and influencers, roles that often go hand-in-hand, to not only post photos and videos from photoshoots and brand collaborations, but to display who they are and what their values are. This is exactly what Canadian model Ashley Smouter likes about social media. Given her nearly 600K following, it’s safe to say that she is doing it right.

Working as a professional model from an early age, Ashley managed to obtain a degree in psychology and sociology, with an emphasis on education, before jumping back into the industry full-time. She attests much of her success to the fact that she’s a chameleon, “fashion is always moving and I move with it—I’m constantly finding new ways to build my brand,” she notes. One big part of that brand is her social media presence, which Ashley sees as an asset for herself and the modeling industry as a whole. “I like where we are now with social media—I think it gives models the opportunity to showcase more of their personalities, interests, and other skills,” she explains.

Besides the obvious posts from travel and work, Ashley posts about her passion for animal welfare. She uses her page to educate her followers about animal rights, to connect with animal-supporting organizations, and to share her vegan lifestyle. “I think a big part of what I do on social media is encourage people to look at animals differently. They are intelligent, and have the same right to occupy the planet as we do,” she elaborates on what drives her. Besides being empathetic, Ashley is also driven and entrepreneurial, which shows when she is asked about her future goals in fashion and in regards to her love for animals: “I would love to collaborate with a designer and create a line of faux fur coats one day.” This is a natural progression given that the model already lives a life entirely independent of animal products, which she adds has sustainability benefits for the planet as well.

To learn more about Ashley and her passion for animals, and maybe learn a vegan recipe or two, follow her Instagram account @ashleysmouter.

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