How Lewis Schenk and Leading PR Company, Boost Media Agency, are Set to Raise the Bar in 2021

Lewis Schenk
Image credit: Peta Rudd (

No matter where you are, who you serve or what industry you’re in, Public relations is something that all business owners need to utilise in their marketing strategy. However, as little as 10% of them actually do. With the world experiencing more changes than ever in 2020 with the coronavirus pandemic taking the world by storm, it has become abundantly clear that people are becoming more cautious about where they spend their money.

Public relations is something that is often overlooked by many entrepreneurs when cutting back business expenses, however not for Lewis Schenk and his clients. Lewis is an Australian based entrepreneur and the founder of Boost Media Agency, one of the fastest growing PR companies in the world. Having worked with over 300 clients in 2020 alone, Lewis and his team are showing no signs of slowing down heading into the new year.

“It has been a crazy year and unbelievably busy to say the least. It’s true when they say good news spreads fast, which is how we’ve been able to grow so quickly. Much of our business comes from referrals, so we must be doing something right” Lewis explains.

With his sights set on expansion in 2021, Lewis has been working tirelessly to deliver for his clients and ensure the best customer experience possible – as he believes this is paramount to company growth. “Our goal is to have worked with over 1000 clients by the end of 2021 – a pretty lofty goal I know, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned this year is that whatever you think is a relative goal, 10X it” says Lewis.

In a recent interview on The Unleashed Podcast, Lewis went in depth into how he was able out-position Boost Media Agency from competitors and make tremendous waves in the industry. Lewis’ short-term plan is to double the business and grow to a team of 15, in order to reach more people and create more impact in people’s lives and businesses.

Working with over 300 clients in 12 months is no easy feat, particularly during a pandemic and economic downturn. However, Lewis has proved that with a solid strategy and strong foundations in place, just about anything is possible.

If you want to learn more about Lewis or Public Relations in general, head over to his Instagram.

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