Bison Creation’s Entrepreneur Abid Dharamsey – Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2021

Abid Dharamsey

Abid Dharamsey is an entrepreneur and one of the finest digital marketing geniuses from Pakistan. His out of box ideas and matchless marketing strategies have helped international businesses with exceptional growth and great success.

Abid has achieved the heights of success that many people can only desire thanks to his untiring efforts, immense struggle, and of course his innovative, creative, and second to none strategies

Abid is the CEO of Bison Creations – a PR Company and Digital Marketing Agency. He founded his firm in the times when electronic media and print media marketing were the only trustable sources to launch and market new products, boost business sales, and popularize with the target audience. His one-step solution strategies for his clients have ranked Bison Creations as the leading and creative media platform.

Abid Dharamsey is a digital evangelist. One of the core reasons why he has positioned himself as the most successful entrepreneur from Pakistan is his farsightedness. He always keeps an eye on globally changing trends, adapts himself accordingly, and becomes the game-changer in the business societies.

With a warm welcoming of 2021, many social media marketing trends will die out but thousands of more emerging ideas will continue to flourish in the constantly changing landscape of social media utilization.

What would brands be expecting? How small businesses are going to compete with the major industry giants, and what position will content marketing grab in the welcoming years?

Abid shared his valuable insights and predicted many social media marketing trends that will change the perception of businesses gearing up for 2021.

Abid Dharamsey talks about the rising trend of memetic marketing and calls it the future of content marketing. According to him, content marketing will be more productive and high-yielding if it has the power to make people laugh and share happiness.

Bison Creations has helped many media personalities and public figures to increase their online presence and audience engagement through effective memetic marketing. They have transformed many brands in 2020 through humorous images, video clips, and gifs, and the trend will be more-in-use in the coming year.

“At Bison Creations, we are always looking at the modifying trends of social media, changes in people’s behavior, and how social media marketers adapt to these changes.”

Abid also prefers to target a young potential audience through online gaming as the gaming industry has outcasted many other industries in the world and doesn’t seem to be stopping any time soon.

He advises brick and mortar businesses if their services tailored to youngsters, marketing their services through games has much promising and desirable success.

Abid also talked about the future of content marketing. He said as businesses are going remote in the coming years, marketing your brand-related content will create more value, be it in the form of infographics, video content, blogs, or articles. Even effective content distribution may beat product quality, he predicted.

Many major brands that we love are adapting to conversational marketing. They are actively seeking customer opinions about their upcoming promotions and product launches.

He says 2021 will bring more messaging channels when customers would need in-depth information before they make any worthy investment, and brand-customer relations will be more conversational than ever. Previously brands only needed enough communication channels to promote themselves and boost their sales. 2021 will be different, and brands need to adapt to these tactics.

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