How 23-Year-Old Entrepreneur Became a Successful Social Media Expert While Still in High School

Social Media Expert - Oscar Barragan

Most young people in high school aren’t thinking about becoming entrepreneurs and establishing their legacies. That’s what sets them apart from 23-year-old Oscar Barragan. Oscar has become a successful social media expert back while still in high school. Today, he boasts growing accounts to millions of followers and helping thousands of businesses grow their audiences on social media.

Oscar got his start on the road to success earlier than most people due because of his parents. Even though growing up he didn’t have much while living in a one-bedroom trailer with his family, he has very supportive parents. They continually motivated, inspired, and encouraged him to follow his dreams. They wanted to make sure he had an easier life than they did.

It turned out that all of that positive entrainment worked. It also helped that Oscar wasn’t the brightest when it came to school. In fact, his teachers would often berate and belittle him, telling him he would never amount to anything. Rather than have this block his success, it helped fuel it. He was determined to show all the naysayers just how successful he could become.

Oscar never liked the idea of working a day job for someone else and playing by their rules, all to get meager wages. He saw becoming an entrepreneur as the way he could prove to himself and everyone else that he smart enough to achieve success on his own.

This turned out to fuel his success very quickly. After learning everything he could about social media, Oscar quickly started developing massive followings on the themed pages he established. Taking this route was the preferred one for him because it didn’t require any initial investment. All he needed to do is growth hack his way to wealth.

Once he began getting sizable followings on his pages, individuals and businesses would reach out to him and ask if they could advertise on his page. This would be the start of how he made money off of social media. Pretty soon, he would end up making enough money where he was able to buy himself a sports car while only a junior in high school.

His big break truly came when the founder of Loudley Media Agency noticed his incredible rise and success. After extending an invitation to work together with Oscar, Loudley Media Agency, these two forces for social media good ended up helping out thousands of businesses with their social media growth.

Oscar and Loudley provide several services for businesses looking to expand their audiences on social media and enjoy more leads and sales. This team will manage ad spending, create incentive funnels, create hyper-targeted audiences, implement Facebook Pixel tracking, and more.

If you want to learn more about Oscar and what he and Loudley offer, you can follow his Instagram page. You can also follow his TikTok, as well as Loudley Media Agency’s Instagram page.


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