Fossil Free Lakehead Congratulates Lakehead University Board of Governors

Image Supplied by Fossil Free Lakehead
Image Supplied by Fossil Free Lakehead

Lakehead University Announces Divestment from Fossil Fuels

Thunder Bay – Fossil Free Lakehead would like to congratulate the Lakehead University Board of Governors and senior administration today for committing to divest its endowment of fossil fuels.

With this move, Lakehead becomes a climate change leader in Canada and the sixth Canadian university to publicly announce that it’s no longer OK to profit from the destruction of our climate.

“Fossil Free Lakehead has been asking the Board of Governors to divest since 2013, but the campaign took on renewed urgency after the release of the 2018 IPCC report” said Shadiya Aidid. “Our members have worked incredibly hard to get the message across that Lakehead should not support an industry that perpetually harms humans and the natural world.”

“We’ve done deputations to the Board, held demonstrations outside their meetings, and have maintained correspondence moving toward this point” said Devon Lee. “The case for divestment is strong and we congratulate the Board for taking a stand.”

“Today, I’m proud to be a Lakehead student” said Erin Knight. “I encourage all of the other divestment movements across Canada to continue their pressure. It’s past time to send a strong signal that the age of fossil fuels must end.”

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