Calgary – COVID-19 – Calgary Mayor and the Calgary Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) media availability to speak about the new mandatory COVID-19 restrictions from AHS and commitments needed to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Effectively immediately, there is a mandatory 15-person limit on all social and family gatherings where people are ‘mixing and mingling’ regardless, if this is indoors or outdoors. This includes parties, special event celebrations, retirement parties, baby showers, wedding and funeral receptions, and banquets.
It doesn’t apply to structured events like restaurant dining, worship services, wedding ceremonies, conferences or funeral services. Most of these events will still have a 100-person limit because they are structured so that people are seated for the duration and can space out so that they are socially distanced.
Voluntary restrictions:
Wear face coverings in all indoor work settings, except when alone or when you can be safely distance from others or an appropriate barrier is in place.
Limit each individual to no more than three cohorts (a core/household cohort, a school cohort, and one additional sport, social or other cohort). Young children who attend child care may be part of four cohorts, as child care cohorts have not been seen to be a high-risk context for spread.