3 Ways to Keep it Simple This Holiday Season

3 Ways to Keep it Simple This Holiday Season

‘Tis the season to be jolly — at least that should be the case. But with the holidays fast approaching, many people will begin to feel the stresses of the season taking over in earnest. Indeed, while this time of year should be one of the most enjoyable, you can easily begin to feel overwhelmed with all the different responsibilities and duties you need to complete to pull off everything.

Ordering holiday cards, buying gifts, spending time with family, and coordinating travel are just a few things that can overtake our thoughts and create chaos in our minds. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are three ways you can decrease your holiday stress.

1. Simplify Your Calendar

One of the biggest challenges around the holiday season is figuring out which events to partake in. Due to the abundance of caution around in-person events in 2020, things are no doubt different this year, as traditional in-person school recitals, church outings, and family gatherings are more likely to be held virtually. 

Instead of feeling the pressure of attending each and every event — while also making sure your Wi-Fi connection is optimal — own your calendar and show up for only a handful of occasions. If one event a week works for you and the family, by all means, don’t feel like you owe it to anyone else to overstretch your busy schedule; after all, the holiday season is supposed to be enjoyed — and not feel stressed over — by you and everyone else in your inner circle.

2. Get Started Early on Seasons Greetings

Sending warm thoughts and feelings to loved ones via holiday cards can make this already-celebratory time of year even more magical. Yet, for some, undertaking festive card projects can be a stressful seasonal task. When is the best time to send them out? Should you email the cards or plop them in the mail? How do you find and keep everyone’s addresses in one place? Questions like these keep us second-guessing about what a joy-filled activity should be. 

Instead, keep it simple and stress-free this year. For example, when visiting Minted.com, you can browse through tons of high-quality holiday card designs and custom seasonal messages to ease your woes. Start the process of sending out your personalized cards early. That way, you can ensure loved ones and friends receive your well-wishes in time for the holidays. Not to mention your checklist will be one step closer to completion.

3. Focus on People This Holiday Season

Oftentimes, the urge to buy every toy, game, or gift on your holiday wish list takes over, and the true nature of the season gets lost. Indeed, picking out the perfect present should never overshadow the importance of friends and family with whom we choose to spend our time. This year, focus on making memories and enjoying great experiences. 

In that vein, cherish what’s most important and spend some quality time with those closest to you. Take a moment to slow down, focus on your surroundings, and breathe in deeply the life and love around you. Gifts will come and go, but the moments that people spend together will last a lifetime.

Make This Year Count

As everyone prepares to close out the final few months of 2020, make sure it’s not a stressful and overwhelming experience. Remind yourself that the holiday season should feel special and cherished. Do something for you this year, like curling up in a comfortable spot near the fireplace, enjoying a cup of hot tea, and designing holiday cards that make you smile.


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