Anil Agarwal’s publication ‘Pariksha Manthan’ is a guarantee for every aspirant to succeed in entrance exams

Anil Agarwal

If you are wondering why preparing for exams like UPSC and IAS require magazines for studying, then you haven’t ever read ‘Pariksha Manthan’. The publication is founded by Anil Agarwal and has been running successfully since 1984. Hailing from Allahabad, now known as Prayagraj, Mr Agarwal is actively working in the field of civil services and judiciary services. His publication has been widely appreciated by the candidates preparing for exams like SSC, UPSC, banking, railways and other entrance exams. The magazine which is published quarterly, half-yearly and annually has been acclaimed for its current affairs section. ‘Pariksha Manthan’ which is majorly sold in Delhi, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh is slowly spreading its wings across the country.

Mr Agarwal started working in 1977 which is way before the birth of the publication. The USP of this magazine is its presentation which has always been innovative and success-oriented. While speaking about expanding the publication, Mr Agarwal said, “We initially started with a monthly magazine to help the students preparing for various entrance and government exams. We gradually expanded and the magazine got specialized in informative essays. The magazine has 5 volumes of essays covering different topics which are asked in the exams.” Focusing on relevant information, the magazine has stuck to the principle of limited quantity but unlimited quality.

The other two magazines published under the publication is named ‘Lakshya’ which are in English and Hindi. Apart from this, Anil Agarwal’s publication has published more than 50 books in different sections related to general studies. Identifying the need of the students, ‘Pariksha Manthan’ has till date published more than 40 books of law in Hindi as well as the English language. “We provide adequate study material and our books have got more than 85% questions which are asked in the exams. We are planning to soon publish books in other regional languages giving it a PAN India presence”, stated Mr Agarwal.

In the last few years, the published books have been received very well by the readers. Offering books at a reasonable rate, every student can rely on ‘Pariksha Manthan’ as it ensures guarantee to pass out with flying colours. Moreover, the books are made available on its online store where students can purchase them by just one click. The main mission of this publication is to be innovative with time and help the aspirants with the best study material for the exams. In an era of internet, this publication timely keeps the readers updated with all the latest happenings and news across India and the world.

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