Meet Salaman Rasoli: PA Student by profession, mentor and fitness coach by choice

Salaman Rasoli

Salaman’s passion to share his knowledge and expertise led him to become a renowned social media health influencer and mentor.

As challenging as being part of the medical/health care field as a clinician is in itself, it is an even a greater challenge to balance personal life such as health and fitness on top. Salaman Rasoli is an accomplished PA-S finishing his second year of PA school in search of a career as a clinician within the pediatric population. During his extensive study schedule involving rigorous course work, Salaman still manages to dawn many hats as a student. Some of which include being a health and fitness educator and pre-medical advisor, helping students that come from underserved populations pursue their dream careers as clinicians. From his large growing fan base on social media, Salaman aims to make health and fitness a more approachable subject for both his patients as well as his aspiring medical/nursing/physician assistant students that he mentors. His passion to share his knowledge and expertise in combination with his unique persona and humor has earned him a loyal growing fan base on Instagram and his very own website, teaching difficult medical topics in a way where the average joe can understand.

Salaman hopes to continue impacting and educating as many lives as he can. He elaborated, “Coming from an underserved background with no direction or resources, I aspire to help and educate those individuals in similar shoes that I was once in, with the overall goal of happy & healthy living. In addition, also to mentor upcoming future clinicians in guidance of what tasks are needed to be done in order to be a successful applicant. I hope that I am able to inspire people to “pay it forward”, whether by sharing knowledge, or simple acts of kindness.”

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