Youssef Chreiba Speaks About Fashion – Filter Mask For Covid Prevention

Youssef Chreiba

Youssef Chreiba is a fashion blogger who has partnered with Hicham Benslimane, as a fashion model and promoter, in creatively designing the Fashion Filter Mask for COVID prevention.

The Fashion Filter Mask for COVID prevention has been a light bulb moment for Youssef and the Instagram populous who’ve quickly gravitated to the trend. It continues to be marketed on Instagram where inquiry’s increase daily.

Youssef is a very talented individual who works closely with Hicham Benslimane owner of a well-known luxury brand in Hollywood.

About Youssef and his business?

I am Youssef Chreiba. I am the owner of a Fashion Blog and I’ve recently introduced the line of fashion filter face masks for COVID prevention to my personal blog and Instagram.

What influenced this idea?

At this time where protection with a facial mask is almost mandatory in all states Hicham and I saw it necessary as a trend to maximize on with having incorporated value in the addition of a filter within the mask.

Why choose this fashion filter mask?

Its efficacy of over 95% filter of air particles makes it ideal in this season of COVID while being fashionable. It provides certified comfort with breathable cotton as it fits the face like a glove, completely covering the nose and mouth. The design is tailor made encouraging a fit to accommodate all face shapes and jaw lines.

The future

The filter mask by Hicham Benslimane is not only fashionable but effective with providing full protection from COVID with a comfort fitting edge. With the great models employed for this filter face mask and Hollywood’s luxury brand designer I believe this trend will surpass the norm as it tackles competition throughout the market of other filter mask options.

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