THUNDER BAY – EcoSuperior has welcomed Simon Boudreault and Kelsey Herglotz, the two participants taking part in an exciting 3-month, field-based, marine conservation research program offering in-depth learning and youth engagement. The Ocean Bridge Direct Action Program, funded by Ocean Wise Conservation Association, connects young professionals with experts in the field, providing them with hands-on experience in marine conservation initiatives, fieldwork and data collection, and specialized research studies.“Cette aventure sera une expérience inoubliable!” Ocean Bridge’s Simon Boudreault exclaims.
This is the first year for the Direct-Action program, and the Northshore of Lake Superior is one of the first sites to pilot this enriching opportunity as part of the national program. This summer’s collaborative research project has been developed by EcoSuperior, and will be hosted by the Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior (CLLS) on beautiful Porphyry Island. EcoSuperior is grateful to have acquired a range of additional support for this project from place-based scholars and conservation professionals, including: The Lake Superior Living Legacy Network at Lakehead University, Dr. Lindsay Galway, Dr. David Greenwood, Gavin Shields, the Claude E Garton Herbarium (LKHD), Graham Saunders, Brian Ratcliff, and Ontario Parks: Northwest Zone.
“Can’t wait to leap into marine conservation work & spend my summer on the shores of Lake Superior!” says Ocean Bridge’s Kelsey Herglotz. The adventure awaits!
For more information on Ocean Bridge’s Direct Action Program, please visit: