July 10, 2020 – Northern Ontario – Thirty Wildfires, Nine out of Control

The Forest Fire Hazard heading into the weekend is high in Northern Ontario

July 10, 2020 Time of Report – 17:11 Northwest Region
THUNDER BAY – There are now 30 fires in the region. Nine of those wildfires are not under control. The overall fire hazard is now rated as high in the southwest corner of the region, as well as in the Thunder Bay district and the north shore areas of the Nipigon district.

As always be extra careful with campfires, and follow the regulations on burning.

  • Nine new fires were confirmed in the Northwest Region by the late afternoon of July 11.
    • Red Lake 38 was located near the north shore of Wenasaga Lake, approximately 13 kilometres north of Ear Falls. The 0.1 hectare fire was declared out.
    • Kenora 22 is located on an island on Lake of The Woods, approximately 26 kilometres south of Kenora. The 0.3 hectare sized fire is being held.
    • Fort Frances 14 is located near Byers Lake, approximately 37 kilometres south of English River. The 0.1 hectare fire is under control.
    • Thunder Bay 32 is located near Buck Lake, approximately 42 kilometres northeast of Upsala. The 0.3 hectare fire is under control.
    • Sioux Lookout 17 is located on a peninsula on Snelgrove Lake, approximately 116 kilometres north of Sioux Lookout. The 0.1 hectare fire is not under control.
    • Sioux Lookout 18 is located north of the previous fire (Sioux Lookout 17), approximately 122 kilometres north of Sioux Lookout. The 0.1 hectare fire is not under control.
    • Dryden 16 is located near Shell Lake, approximately six kilometres west of Ignace. The 0.1 hectare fire is not under control.
    • Fort Frances 15 is located near Allan Lake in Quetico Provincial Park, approximately 37 kilometres south of Atikokan. The 0.1 hectare fire is not under control.
    • Thunder Bay 33 is located near Northern Light Lake, approximately 100 kilometres west of Thunder Bay. The 0.1 hectare fire is not under control.

Follow Ontario’s Outdoor Burning Regulations

Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services would like to remind the public to use caution when performing any outdoor burning. In order to dispose of yard waste and woody debris, we encourage you to use methods such as composting or using your local landfill. If you must burn, follow Ontario’s outdoor burning regulations.

Fires are to be ignited no sooner than 2 hours before sunset and extinguished no later than 2 hours after sunrise.

Always have tools/water adequate to contain the fire at the site.

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