Books Changed the Life of Marcello Cantu

Marcello Cantu's success came from several specific moments


He is an entrepreneur who found three like-minded business partners in integral parts of his life. They are now founders of one of the biggest Amazon managing and dropshipping brands in North America — Project Wifi

He grew up watching the blood, sweat and tears his family put into creating a 30 year business founded by his grandfather. Cantu was expected to continue the family’s legacy, one day running the auto-upholstery business himself, but Cantu had other dreams.

He wanted to be an entrepreneur just as his grandfather, and was intrigued by the idea of being his own boss.

After finishing high school a year early, Cantu pursued a degree in marketing from the University of Texas in Dallas. While he liked some courses, he sometimes felt like he was waiting his time. He’d spent countless hours learning from a professor who hadn’t experienced owning or running a business. Cantu felt as if he would have learned more doing it himself.

“One summer I read dozens of books about business and personal growth. Across all my readings, I kept noticing authors mention that passive income and the internet exponentially led to their wealth. I realized at this time whatever I did, I would rather put it all on the line and risk becoming wealthy in 10 years rather than play it safe and possibly become wealthy when I am old and bitter,” said Cantu.

When Cantu discovered eCommerce in 2018, he knew other people who achieved results fast in the industry — A lot of these people were young like himself.

“Once I got my first $8,000 in sales in 7 days with no prior experience, I knew I had something,” he says.

Cantu moved from Texas to California where he attended a conference. It was at the conference where he met Andy Ta Kong, his first business partner. They had a strong connection from the start and knew they could create a budding business together.

Ta Kong introduced Cantu to his roommate Paul Parker who had asked to join their team as he saw the same potential the duo had discussed.

Later, Cantu attended his second conference. The conference featured a presentation by ATM business guru Mohhamed Shakaoat. Cantu never planned on partnering with Shakaoat but was intrigued by the experience and success Shakaoat had in several different businesses.

The four created Project Wifi, a dropshipping management and mentor business that currently helps over 55 clients grow their Amazon businesses to achieve great results ranging anywhere from $35,000 – $115,000 in gross revenue a month.

 Cantu has a positive mindset and good spirit that allowed him to excel far beyond managing his family’s business.

For more on @marcellocantu, follow him on Instagram or check out Project Wifi here:

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