Entrepreneur Chase Norton’s Mend Water disrupts market, becomes #1 selling bottled water service

Chase Norton

In 2007, Chase Norton came across a water crisis charitable foundation online based on the east coast. Norton was deeply affected after learning about the worldwide water crisis and seeing pictures of the billions of people who do not have access to clean drinking water. Growing up in a neighbourhood of Newport Beach, drinking VOSS, Smart Water, Fiji and Acqua Panna was an everyday occurrence. Norton wanted to create a premium, consumer goods brand of bottled water delivery service that by its substantially higher price point would help build wells for people in third world countries who do not have access to clean drinking water. The water delivered is in fact described as “ultra-pure”: MEND water goes through a rigorous 11 hour, 13 step purification process. It is tested, retested and recorded along each step of the way. Norton started MEND after quitting his job as a Series 7 Licensee Bond Broker for Finance 500. The company is now delivering to all of Southern California and has a clientele that includes athletes, celebrities, high-profile executives, doctors, wellness centers, health-conscious families and more.

Norton says, “WE TAKE OUR PRODUCTS SERIOUSLY. AND SOMETIMES, OURSELVES. We create, craft and deliver innovative and high-quality beverages that provide you with a healthy balance of nutritional benefits so you can perform at the top of your game, no matter what drives you. We never over promise and will always strive to over-deliver by working harder, pushing boundaries of what can be achieved and living by our beliefs and core values. We exist to passionately encourage you to explore the new. Stretch yourself, perform well and accomplish your goals.

Norton continues, “IMAGINE A WORLD FULL OF HYDRATION AND PACKED WITH GOODNESS. This is our envisioned future. We are working every day to make this world a reality. It’s a world where doing what’s right doesn’t mean sacrificing enjoyment. A world where hydration and natural goodness go hand in hand. A world of beverages without borders – with no limits on taste, geography or imagination. Everyone at MEND is committed to bringing this world to life. MEND’s core values guide us in our quest. We are unwavering challengers — audaciously declaring that we’re not satisfied with conventional wisdom and status quo. We are impassioned explorers — relentlessly searching to unearth the best that nature has to offer. We are uninhibited dreamers — obsessively creating new realities that others could never see in hydration. And with every sip you take, we all are one step closer to our envisioned future.”

For more information visit: https://mendwater.com/

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