Expert Photographer Hikmat Wehbi on the Importance of Creating Compelling Visual Content for the Digital Age


One of the oldest adages in the English language is ‘A picture says a thousand words.’ Pictures have the power to tell a story, provoke imagination, and stimulate emotions. In this digital age, where images are simply a tap away, it has become a lot easier to save moments and make ever-lasting memories. Technology has helped produce better pictures, and photographers all over the world are making the best use of their creativity with it. Coming straight out of Lebanon is a hotshot fashion photographer who takes awe-inspiring photographs and works with some of the biggest names in the industry. Meet Hikmat Wehbi.

As a young man growing up in Beirut, Hikmat showed great interest in art and photography. He nurtured and harnessed his interests further when he received an opportunity to go to Dubai. Hikmat started his career as a photographer in the early 90s and steadily made a mark in the city’s fashion industry. Since then, he has worked with some of the biggest brands, such as Chanel, Dior, L’Oreal, Google, and many more. Top supermodels like Wioleta Budnik-Juhlke, Sara Cardillo, and Marilyn Feltz, among many more, have posed for his lens. Hikmat says, “Beauty is justified only when it’s captured by someone who understands it. Sometimes it takes hours and even days to capture that perfect picture. But in the end, it’s all worth it.” He also adds that in this digital age, it has become quite essential to grab attention using the highest quality stills and subjects.

Hikmat is the owner of W Studio in Dubai. Being one of the oldest and best-known production houses in Dubai, they create photo and video content for numerous high profile clients such as Faces Beauty, Purificacion Garcia, ELLE Magazine, and several others. Hikmat added, “Today, a flagship phone produces similar results to what a high-end camera used to deliver a few years ago. Technology in photography is evolving and becoming more creative as time goes by.

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