Turning a Passion into Millions with Eli Dangerfield


This smart and eager teenager always had a keen fascination with luxury items, one of his favorites being with high-end watches. So it came to no surprise that 21-year-old Eli Dangerfield chose watches to sell in his eCommerce business. He is now a millionaire who’s sold thousands of his watches to people all over the globe with an astonishing amount of 5-star reviews. He made sure that the products he were to sell under his luxury brand would be only of the highest quality. 

His success at such a young age enabled him to live the dream and travel the world on his own time. The purchase that he is most proud of is the purchase of his dream car, a Mercedes Benz C-Class that he purchased at just 20-years-old in cash. His next plan is to purchase his first ever exotic car, a McLaren 570s by the end of the year. Along with his cars, he enjoys luxury clothing and partying with friends while travelling the world, and we don’t blame him. With so much success at such a young age, might as well live the life of your dreams. He’s also recently bought his grandparents a brand-new car to help them get around but all of these successes didn’t come out of nowhere as he struggled mentally and financially throughout the journey. He would put all of his money into his business and then lose it all, he would have to make money back another way and it just kept going back into the business. His trials and errors proved to be very expensive and oftentimes left Eli wondering if it was worth it. When he was at the end of his life trying, he used his last bit of money back into advertising with little hope, as it previously hadn’t shown any success. To Eli’s surprise, he woke up to a miracle, he made a ton of money overnight, within a few short hours. He is thankful everyday for that moment that came at just the right time as without it, he probably wouldn’t be where he is today.

 He continued on to start up a business in order to help other people get out of debt and onto the right path that will ultimately bring them to where they want to be. Eli has put together a clear step by step plan which he easily breaks down to help all of his students understand clearly. He is passionate about his business and he is passionate to help you learn to be your best selves too. He could have easily given up at all of the hardships that he went through at such a young age but instead stuck by it and in the end, got what he wanted and more. He never had help with what he did, he knows how hard it is and can be and that’s why he’s set out on the mission to help out as many people as he possibly can.

 He says that his mindset is an important factor that brought him to where he is today. With a “I can do anything attitude,” he was able to overcome all obstacles. Once you turn negative and tell yourself that you can’t do it, it will ultimately lead you to your end of the road. Believe in you and believe in the process.

 To find out more about this hero and his journey, click here

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