When Do We Reach True Success?


Every person on Earth has their own goals. However, we all take different journeys to reach our goal. The true question that many have asked is: “what is success and how do we know we have reached it?” In an attempt to reach a conclusion I reached out to James William Awad, the CEO behind TripleOne Inc who is a famous Entrepreneur born on 30th March 1993, in Montreal and nationality, a Canadian.

Awad began TripleOne Inc as he wondered what would happen if all of his business decisions were made by the general public. “TripleOne Inc is a decentralized company where users around the world work together to build and manage it. I came up with the idea at the age of 16 when I felt the need to reach consensus for a project I wanted to start”.

Is success buying our first house or selling our first company? The truth is, success is whatever we decide it to be. We are our own biggest asset and detriment. We can only go as far as we push ourselves to go, so what may be considered a success or successful for one person is just a step on a journey for another.

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