Chris Yangello Uncut: The 17 Year Old Content Creator of America’s Top Music Festivals

Chris Yangello

Chris Yangello a famous Entrepreneur is born on 5th June 2002 in Berwyn, Pennsylvania. He is not like any other teen his age. He is driven and determined to succeed in life. He has proven himself and risen through the ranks among the elite in the entertainment space. His company, Forever*, is into live-event production and music marketing. He has some advice for anyone who wants to follow his path and delve into content creation for a particular niche. As he is set to graduate from Devon Preparatory School this year, Chris Yangello (as he is commonly called) hopes to impact a new generation of content creators who will come out and dominate. These tips, according to him, are part of his secret sauce, which he has used to get to where he is in the industry today.

Stay Current

Change is one sure thing. Chris says. You should focus more on staying current about the happenings in the industry, so you aren’t frozen out and become yesterday’s news. You need to study other top creators in the industry and monitor what they are doing. Figure out how you can modify these new strategies to be uniquely yours and then test them out on your clients and see the results you get.

Understand your Audience

Never engage any campaigns without knowing the audience you are creating for. Are they young or are they older? Are they hip? Do your research and ensure you have all the information you need to deliver something amazing. Understand the motivations, social activities, relationships, and other information about your target audience and use this to create content tailored just for them properly. Never make blanket assumptions, or you’ll end up like every other mediocre person in the industry.

Continuously improve

Always improve yourself and your skills. Chris says the key to being at the top is continually learning new things, so you are not out of touch. Today’s world is increasingly competitive, and if you rest on your oars, you will not remain at the top for long. You need to practice continually even when you do not have a job from clients, practice, and hone your craft until you become better. Stop avoiding failure as it is the one way to grow truly. When you fail, you can discover what you did wrong and learn to avoid it in the future. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Focus on the Client

Chris believes the reason why many people won’t be as successful as he is, is because they dwell too much on selling themselves instead of selling the solution to the client’s problem. “Talk about your solution, and the client will be happy to hire you,” he says. When you talk about yourself, you will lose the opportunity to show the client how you can solve their problems. No one wants to know how good you are; they want to know if you can solve their problem or not. If you begin to practice this art more and more, you will begin to see changes in your client acquisitions.

Chris believes that the best way to give back is to ensure that others like him are handed the keys to success. With these tips, he believes he has done his part.

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