January 28, 2020 – Update – Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Update – Latest Updates from Hubei Province

Press Conference in Hubei Province in China
Press Conference in Hubei Province in China

NetNewsLedger Verified Facts

Wuhan in Lockdown

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Ontario Confirms Second Presumptive Case

Statement from Federal Minister of Health Patty Hajdu

Coronavirus Update – January 26, 2020 – China Says 56 Dead

Coronavirus – Confirmed Case in Ontario

Ontario Creates Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Website

China Faces “Grave Situation” – President Xi

Death Toll in China Climbs

The death toll in China from Coronavirus has now topped 100 according to Chinese State officials. There are now five known cases in the United States. Canada has reported two known cases, both in Toronto Ontario.

The latest information from Hubei Province in China – As of 24:00 on January 25, a total of 1052 confirmed cases were reported in Hubei province. Confirmed cases have occurred in 15 places in 17 cities, prefectures, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and forest districts in the province. The majority are 618 in Wuhan, 122 in Huanggang, 55 in Xiaogan, and 43 in Xianning. There were 38 cases in Jingmen City, 36 cases in Suizhou City, 33 cases in Jingzhou City, and 31 cases in Huangshi City.

Experts are now predicting that the epidemic is now entering a more severe and complicated period. In China the epidemic is still in its early stages of spread. Ma Xiaowei, director of the National Health and Health Commission, said that the current epidemic prevention and control is in a critical period.

Ma Xiaowei said at the State Council’s launch conference on the 26th that according to recent clinical data, the virus’s transmission capacity seems to have increased, and the virus’s toxicity and pathogenicity need to be analyzed based on more clinical data. Judging from the present, the spread of the epidemic situation is relatively fast, which brings some challenges and pressures to prevention and control.

太 Li Taisheng, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, has been involved in the prevention and control of SARS since January 2003, and has a deeper understanding of coronavirus. In his view, pneumonitis infected by the new coronavirus does not progress as quickly as SARS. The incubation period of the new coronavirus is about 10 days, with a maximum of about 14 days, and the average incubation period of SARS virus is 6 days, which makes the epidemic prevention and control more difficult.

太 Li Taisheng said, according to common sense, the shorter the incubation period of a virus, the stronger its virulence and the greater the number of pathogens. However, according to the data released now, the severity of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus is not at all lower than that of SARS, which is very unusual.

The World Health Organization points out that human-to-human transmission of new coronavirus-associated pneumonia is occurring and that China has reported “fourth-generation cases in Wuhan and second-generation cases outside Wuhan.” The fourth generation of cases refers to A to B, B to C, and C to D.

The information was relayed at the fifth press conference in Hubei Province outlining the situation, the full text of that press conference is posted at the bottom of this update.

Countries Repatriating Citizens

Countries including the United States, Japan, Russia, and France have taken steps to get their embassy staff and in some instances their citizens out of the areas in China impacted by coronavirus.

Press Conference in Hubei

Bie Bixiong, Secretary-General of the Hubei Provincial Government:

Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the press conference held by the Hubei Provincial New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters.

Recently, the pneumonia epidemic of new coronavirus infection in our province has aroused great concern from society. Since the outbreak, the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have attached great importance to the implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Jinping and the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and put the people’s lives and health in the first place. Prevention and control measures. On the first day of the new year, General Secretary Xi Jinping organized the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to listen to the report on the prevention and control of the epidemic. It is of great significance to unite the forces of all parties and take unified actions to win the fight against epidemic prevention and control.

The concern of the Party Central Committee and the people throughout the country has inspired the whole province to overcome difficulties and endure difficulties together and has strengthened our confidence and determination to win the battle against epidemic prevention and control. In order to let everyone know the epidemic situation of Hubei and Wuhan in a timely manner, today we invited Mr. Wang Xiaodong, the Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Governor, and Mr. Zhou Xianwang, the Deputy Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and Mayor to introduce the situation and answer your questions. Ask questions.

First of all, please ask Mayor Zhou Xianwang to introduce the situation.

Zhou Xianwang, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Wuhan Municipal Committee:

After the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, General Secretary Xi Jinping, the Party Central Committee and the State Council were very concerned, and the people of the whole country were also very concerned about our epidemic situation in Wuhan, and we will inform you of the relevant situation. The epidemic situation was received on December 27. After receiving the report, after tracing the source, it was determined that the first patient was diagnosed on December 12. On December 30, the National Health and Medical Commission organized an expert group after receiving the report and has been working until now. Experts quickly sequenced the virus and developed a test box.

The current development is that as of 2400 yesterday, that is, in the early hours of today, 618 cases of pneumonitis with new coronavirus infection have been reported, 40 cases have been cured and discharged, and 45 cases have died. Currently, 533 patients are being treated in the hospital, of which 87 are critically ill and 53 are critically ill, all of whom are under isolation treatment at designated hospitals in Wuhan. Perhaps many journalist friends will be concerned that this epidemic has come so fiercely, many citizens have been infected by the virus and infected with viral pneumonia. This number always feels the same as the data we reported, and the social reflections from everyone and even Panic seemed inconsistent. I want to tell my friends here that the 533 cases we have said have been diagnosed because this diagnosis process is still relatively long according to our faster detection technology. There are still 2209 suspected patients in the hospital. The case has not been tested because the test takes longer. There are 643 people staying in the hot clinic, so these two items add up to nearly 2700 cases. According to the current test, it is estimated that the diagnosis can be about 45%, so beyond this 533 cases, At present, the total number of people receiving and watching will increase by about 1,000 cases. Everyone feels that society is so big and everyone reflects so big. Why are the published figures smaller and the diagnoses announced? It takes a long time for confirmatory tests and gene sequencing.

Some friends will also pay attention to why there are so few discharges and the treatment effect is not good? There are only 40 patients discharged, but after the discharge is cured, they need to be observed in the hospital for another 12 days, and they will have to undergo a very strict examination during these 12 days, so the discharge rate is slower. Here is a piece of data that can’t be released from the perspective of the hospital. I ’m also informally telling you here that we were discharged from the hospital, but there are still nearly 80 people who are being observed after the cure. Then observe for 12 days. It was stable after 12 days and was discharged. From this point of view, the effect of treatment is still relatively good. The country’s powerful treatment team is constantly conducting scientific and technological research, which is effective.

According to the requirements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, we have done four main tasks:

The first is to make every effort to treat patients. The first is to deploy advanced classification and screening to identify suspected or highly suspected pneumonitis patients with new coronavirus infection among patients with fever. Because of this basic work, only 533 cases were confirmed, there were more than 2,300 suspected cases currently being admitted to the hospital, and 643 cases were still being observed in the hospital.

The second is to increase the construction and acquisition of hospitals. Everyone knows that this disease is an infectious disease. The state has determined that it is a Class B infectious disease and is managed as a Class A infectious disease. Then it requires special hospitals, and there are only two specialized hospitals like ours in Wuhan. One is Jinyintan Hospital and the other is Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital. These two hospitals add up to more than 350 beds, which is seriously insufficient. Therefore, the measures of hospital requisition have been adopted during this time. So far, 24 hospitals have been requisitioned, with 10,000 beds dedicated to treating fever patients. The intensity of collection is still increasing. As you know, we are constructing Vulcan Mountain Hospital, which will be a specialized pulmonary hospital with about 700-1000 beds. In addition, a specialized pulmonary hospital was built in Lei Shenshan, Jiangxia, with about 1,300 beds.

The third is to strengthen the supply guarantee of medical supplies. The new coronavirus-infected pneumonia is a new virus that lacks experience in treatment and the corresponding supplies are not prepared. To treat so many patients, it is necessary to increase the reserves of materials. At present, our material reserves are mainly allocated by the state. So far, protective clothing, masks, and goggles have been greatly alleviated. At present, the most stressful protective clothing has been fully relieved in Wuhan.

The fourth is to strengthen the protection of medical personnel. New coronavirus-infected pneumonia is an infectious disease. Medical personnel are the main force in the prevention and control of this epidemic, so that they will not be infected and their lives and health can be guaranteed. Protective work must be done well. At the same time, the medical staff are very nervous and they are very tired. We have requisitioned some hotels around the designated hospitals so that they can go to these hotels to take a nap, take a bath, eat some work meals, and be energetic. Play later. On the one hand, it alleviates the problem of insufficient resources in our hospital, on the other hand, it gives them the rest they deserve.

These days, the country has rushed for emergency assistance. Now, it has received more than 900 medical teams for assistance. Among them, there are 3 medical teams from the PLA and 9 medical teams from other provinces. A total of 12 medical teams have arrived. These medical teams brought their experts and some of their equipment, and our treatment has been greatly improved. For example, Tongji Hospital gave us all of their hospitals in Caidian with 600 beds, then we drove these teams of experts in, and it became a very good specialist hospital for pulmonary medicine. The medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital have been working day and night for nearly a month, and have been highly fatigued. The Beijing Medical Team Army Army Medical University came to take over the Jinyintan Hospital as a whole, the Shanghai Navy Medical University took over our Red Cross Hospital, and the Guangdong Medical Team took over. After the Hankou Hospital, the Zhejiang Medical Team took over the No. 4 Hospital of the city, and today the support team of the National University of Chinese Medicine has just arrived, and there are teams behind.

This is the first aspect I will introduce to you, and the second aspect is to strengthen joint defense and control. The joint prevention and control must first control the passages in and out of Wuhan. Wuhan is an epidemic area, and the spread of the outside should be minimized. Therefore, the entry and exit passages were controlled. The high-speed rail and the airport were suspended, and the passages from Han were closed. The number of out-of-office personnel has been greatly reduced through management and control. The second is to control the flow of people in the city. The flow of virus carriers is likely to bring new infections. Everyone knows that we have carried out control in the city. All subways, buses, and ferries have been shut down. We have also closed the river crossings. We have conducted temperature tests on people crossing the river in the Third Ring Road to minimize the possibility of transmission of infected people.

The third aspect I want to report is to effectively protect the normal lives of citizens. The life of the citizens must be guaranteed. This is the basic requirement of the provincial party committee and the provincial government after the implementation of the epidemic control. The citizens’ lives must not be affected, and the quality of life of the citizens cannot be reduced due to the control of the epidemic. Convenience is objective and unavoidable, but the quality of life cannot be reduced. Therefore, on the basis of these living materials reserves, we have recently replenished our reserves from all over the country and put our reserves into the market in a timely manner. So far, the market supply is sufficient and prices are stable. Of course, in some stores, there are fewer vegetables, meat, eggs, fish and poultry, fruits and flowers are all available, and prices are relatively stable. In order to allow residents to buy some dishes at a reasonable price, we have opened a “Yuanyuan shop”, which is a dollar a pound of vegetables. I watched it during the inspection today. One dollar of dishes is still very popular with the public, of course. The varieties are mainly Chinese cabbage and potatoes.

From the current point of view, our five aspects of water supply, power supply, gas supply, oil supply and communication are guaranteed to be in place. With the extension of control time, we will also do a good job in this area replenishment. At the same time, after the road traffic is suspended, we must guarantee the basic travel of our citizens, so we stopped the bus, and the cars on the bus line were divided into our various urban areas and streets, and 310 related urban streets were equipped, and another 4704 was levied. The taxis are distributed to our related communities, five of which are large and three are smaller. These vehicles are mainly used to pick up medical staff in the community, and deliver food, rice and food to families with inconveniences. For those inconvenient in life, we will send it for free.

Bie Bixiong, Secretary General of the Hubei Provincial Government:

Governor Wang Xiaodong is invited to introduce the situation.

Deputy Secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Governor Wang Xiaodong:

After the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the people of the whole country were worried. We were also very sad, very guilty, and blamed ourselves. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly asked about the epidemic situation, and made important instructions to give kind attention! The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to it and provide strong support. Brother provinces, cities, and all walks of life have given great understanding and help, which has increased our confidence and determination to win the fight against epidemic prevention and control. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks on behalf of the Provincial Government of Hubei Province and the people of Hubei!

Judging from the current development of the epidemic, the situation is still very grim. As of 24:00 on January 25, a total of 1052 confirmed cases were reported in our province. Confirmed cases have occurred in 15 places in 17 cities, prefectures, municipalities directly under the Central Government, and forest districts in the province. The majority are: 618 in Wuhan, 122 in Huanggang, 55 in Xiaogan, and 43 in Xianning. There were 38 cases in Jingmen City, 36 cases in Suizhou City, 33 cases in Jingzhou City, and 31 cases in Huangshi City.

The province has accumulated 129 severe cases, 52 death cases and 42 discharged patients. At present, 7,989 close contacts have been traced, 1085 people have been released from medical observation, and 6904 people are still receiving medical observation.

First, comprehensively upgrade prevention and control measures. The province initiated a first-level response mechanism, and the province entered a first-level state of combat readiness. Party committees and governments at all levels acted quickly to effectively strengthen the organization and leadership of the epidemic prevention and control work and strictly implement various prevention and control measures. The central government has allocated 1 billion yuan and the provincial government has allocated 1.075 billion yuan to support cities and prefectures in carrying out epidemic prevention and control and procurement of pharmaceutical materials.

The second is to cut off the spread of the epidemic. All transportation hubs in the province implement temperature detection and health registration, and all persons with suspected symptoms are quarantined. All 17 cities and prefectures have adopted measures such as channel inspection and control, and suspension of public transportation to minimize the mass gathering activities. Comprehensively start community and village prevention and control work, and increase the investigation of suspicious cases. Make every effort to control the source, and strengthen the cleaning, disinfection and ventilation of agricultural (market) trade markets and various business places. Illegal breeding, processing, and management of various types of wild animals are strictly prohibited, and illegal acts of transshipment and trafficking in wild animals are strictly cracked down.

The third is to go all out to treat patients. In accordance with the principles of centralized patients, centralized experts, centralized resources, and centralized treatment, the treatment effect is improved and the chance of cross infection is reduced. The province, city, and prefecture have identified at least one designated hospital to fully implement a pre-examination and triage system for fever patients. Strengthen the protection of medical personnel.

The fourth is national mobilization and action by the whole society. A letter issued by the provincial pneumonia prevention and control headquarters to the people of the whole province has strengthened the awareness of prevention and control of the entire population. Provincial leaders have implemented package supervision to compact local responsibilities for prevention and control. Strictly build “three lines of defense” such as outpatient clinics for medical institutions, monitoring and treatment of epidemic situations in population-focused areas such as railway stations and airports, and implementation of community epidemic prevention and control measures to ensure early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and early treatment of cases To reduce the spread of the epidemic to cities and prefectures and cities to rural areas.

thank you all!

Bie Bixiong, Secretary General of the Hubei Provincial Government:

Let me ask questions below.

CCTV reporter: We are concerned that, in addition to Wuhan, there is also a shortage of epidemic prevention materials in some cities around Wuhan, especially materials such as masks and protective clothing. How can we alleviate the shortage of urgently needed materials for epidemic prevention as soon as possible?

Deputy Secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Governor Wang Xiaodong:

Protective materials such as medical protective clothing and masks are generally in short supply. This is one of the most prominent and urgent problems facing the current epidemic prevention and control work. General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a mobilization order “to effectively guarantee the supply of various materials in Hubei and Wuhan” We are doing our best to implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee.

The first is to win support from the State Council, national ministries and commissions, the Central Military Commission, and sister provinces and cities. National ministries and commissions and fraternal provinces and cities such as Guangxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Guangdong, and Henan supported 45,000 sets of medical protective clothing, 3 million masks, and 40,000 boxes of disinfectant. The Ministry of Finance allocated emergency prevention and control subsidies of 1 billion yuan, and the follow-up support materials are also in transit. Today, the Joint Military Support Department of the Central Military Commission urgently rescued 10,000 sets of protective clothing and disinfection supplies and other protective materials have arrived and have been distributed to Wuhan medical institutions. Tonight and tomorrow, 15,000 sets of protective materials such as medical protective clothing will be distributed to medical institutions in cities and prefectures.

The second is the strong support of all sectors of society. By opening up a “green channel”, streamlining and optimizing the work process, ensuring that donated materials from all walks of life at home and abroad are in place in the shortest time. As of January 26, the Provincial Charity Federation and the Provincial Red Cross accepted donations of more than 88.55 million yuan, 31.32 million yuan, and 1.8 million pieces of epidemic prevention materials for purchase of protective materials (not included in Wuhan).

The third is to mobilize enterprises in this province to start full production. The production of Xiantao protective clothing and medical masks in our province has certain advantages. Today I went to the on-site office in Xiantao and decided to rely on two local advantageous enterprises to integrate other enterprises and expand production capacity. In three days, the capacity of medical protective clothing was expanded to 12,000 pieces. It was expanded to 30,000 in ten days. To this end, ① the provincial finance immediately invested 80 million yuan; ② Xiantao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued military decree to solve all difficulties for the expansion of production capacity of these two enterprises; The Supervision Bureau immediately dispatched a special class to settle in the company, and the special affairs office speeded up the examination and approval, and used all the masks and medical protective clothing exported to Europe and America and meeting the international requirements for the province’s prevention and control.

I believe that as long as we take a multi-pronged approach and work together, the shortage of medical supplies will be better alleviated.

CCTV reporter: How to deal with masks after use, how to avoid the problem of secondary pollution?

Zhou Xianwang, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Wuhan Municipal Committee:

After the epidemic, the consumption of masks in Wuhan has greatly increased, and the amount of garbage formed has also increased sharply. As soon as the epidemic occurs, the expert group of the National Health Commission also reminded us to properly handle these masks, so we In the classification of garbage, masks are specifically used as a type. After being separated, they enter our medical waste incineration plant for incineration. At present, due to the habit of discarding garbage, the collection rate of discarded masks has not yet reached 100%. This is one of the things we must highlight next. At present, medical waste is growing rapidly. How to dispose of it harmlessly is also an important part of the improvement of the overall hygiene level and the sanitary environment. Therefore, the problem of the masks you are paying attention to is actually our entire environmental problem and related waste disposal safety issues.

Hubei Daily: Everyone is very concerned. Can the current hospital bed resources and diagnosis and treatment resources be realized?

Deputy Secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Governor Wang Xiaodong:

To achieve the goal of receivables and receivables, we have adopted the following measures:

The first is to fully integrate medical resources. In accordance with the “Four Concentrations” principle, we organized more than 11,000 beds to be retired, deployed nearly 800 doctors to support designated hospitals, implemented insurance measures for critically ill patients, and worked hard to improve the cure rate. 278 medical staff were integrated to support the treatment of critically ill patients in Huanggang City.

The second is to speed up screening and shunting of fever patients. By unblocking the entrance and widening the exit, the outstanding problem of long queues in the treatment of patients is effectively solved. The province’s 549 second-level medical institutions and grass-roots medical and health institutions have set up pre-checking and triage points, fever clinics (fever patients’ clinics), and through effective screening and differential diagnosis, they can be classified and shunted according to the condition. The province has set up 112 designated hospitals, all of which treat patients unconditionally. The medical expenses incurred are reimbursed by the local government.

The third is to do everything possible to improve medical capabilities. Wuhan is newly building 2 centralized hospitals, which will be formally put into use on February 3 and February 5, which can solve about 2,300 beds. Preparations are under way to renovate 6 hospitals in Wuhan’s far urban area, which can increase the number of beds by about 10,000 and focus on treating suspected and confirmed cases. Actively seeking support from the Central Military Commission and the National Health and Health Commission, 18 medical teams and 2430 people have arrived in Hubei, which will effectively alleviate the problem of insufficient resources for diagnosis and treatment.

Xinhua News Agency: How can hospitals avoid cross infection?

Zhou Xianwang, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Wuhan Municipal Committee:

Cross-infection is a prominent problem when the disease begins to spread. Due to insufficient resources in specialized hospitals, patients are admitted to general hospitals. Cross-infection is easily formed in isolated and non-isolated wards of general hospitals, so we have hospital medical staff cross-infection. It is precisely because of this problem that we are determined to requisition these hospitals and change them to specialized hospitals for centralized treatment. Centralized treatment is the most important measure to prevent cross infection. Intensify efforts to form hygiene habits, wash hands, ventilate, and kill frequently.

Reporter from Hubei Satellite TV: Is the motor vehicle ban in the central urban area to prevent patients from escaping?

Zhou Xianwang, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Wuhan Municipal Committee:

The key to controlling infectious diseases is to control the source of infection, which is to control the flow of infectious vectors. After a person is infected with a disease, he cannot control the infectious power without controlling his range of activities. As far as we know, there are no effective drugs for treatment, but there are very effective measures in prevention and control, that is, wearing masks and isolating people. In order to reduce the flow of people, we have implemented traffic restrictions in the central city. The purpose is to control the flow of people, and it has nothing to do with preventing escape. Wuhan is the home of all citizens and a wonderful home. The traffic police sent me information, and today’s traffic has been halved. We temporarily close the corridors and ban traffic, and the citizens support it. Of course, there are also many questions, and the ban on travel has brought inconvenience to many people. We want to control the virus through this inconvenience. At present, everyone supports it.

Reporter from Chutian Metropolis Daily: Will 6,000 cars enter the community with insufficient capacity?

Zhou Xianwang, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Wuhan Municipal Committee:

There is indeed insufficient capacity. These vehicles are now mainly responsible for picking up and sending medical staff, medical communities, and inconvenient residents in the community to deliver food and meals. We also have perfect measures. The first is to recruit volunteers in the community; the second is to call horizontally between communities. We also need to increase publicity and further control the movement of people. The current evaluation of our embargo measures is very effective.

Farmer Daily News: How can the donated materials be distributed as soon as possible?

Zhou Xianwang, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Wuhan Municipal Committee:

After the epidemic, we have received the attention at home and abroad, the support of entrepreneurs, the amount of donations has now reached nearly 1 billion, and there are urgent supplies. We will quickly distribute to the relevant units as needed. Cash is directly attributed to finances and unified management to avoid loopholes in the links. From the current point of view, the channel for donation is unblocked, and the use and distribution of donated materials should be said to be more timely. In the next step, as the amount of donations further increases, the variety further increases, and the number of units required increases, we must optimize the process and strengthen management. Let these loves be sent to patients faster.

People’s Daily reporter: We have noticed that at present, some rural villagers’ gatherings and door-to-door activities still exist, and many people are worried that the rural areas will become a weak link in epidemic prevention and control. What is the key to prevent and control the epidemic situation in rural areas of our province?

Deputy Secretary of Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Governor Wang Xiaodong:

Rural areas are a weak link in the current epidemic prevention and control, and also a key part that must be highly vigilant. Especially during the Spring Festival, a large number of migrant workers returned home, and some villagers were still accustomed to gathering meals and going out, which made it more difficult for rural non-proliferation.

We are taking measures to strengthen surveillance and prevention of epidemic situation in rural areas, and resolutely prevent the spread of epidemic situation in rural areas.

The first is to strengthen source management and strictly control urban population entering villages. The cadres of townships and villages shall be mobilized to strictly investigate returnees returning to villages on the urban-rural junction and on rural roads, and make every effort to prevent the possibility of the epidemic from spreading to rural areas.

The second is to strengthen the health management of those who have returned to the village. Strengthen the health management of returnees, strengthen the health monitoring of returnees, and strive to achieve early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and early treatment of cases to stop the spread of the epidemic.

The third is to strengthen infection control in rural medical institutions at all levels, strengthen staff training and protect rural doctors. Through video and technical guidelines, the clinical protection requirements of rural medical staff were put in place.

Although the current prevention and control efforts are very strong, the issue of implementing the “last mile” of prevention and control measures cannot be relaxed at the moment.

The first is to further consolidate territorial responsibilities at all levels. It is necessary to urge grassroots cadres and village organization party members and cadres to take the lead in changing the customs and implement various measures. An inspection team has been set up in the province. It will learn about the implementation of preventive and control measures in rural areas in various ways. For those with lax prevention and control consciousness, work in the field, and inadequate implementation of measures, they will resolutely and sternly deal with them. .

The second is to vigorously promote mass prevention and governance. It is necessary to vigorously organize the mobilization of the masses, devote themselves to the prevention and control of the epidemic, and accelerate the formation of a “copper wall and iron wall” for mass prevention and control.

The third is to increase publicity and education. Prepare and publish all kinds of publicity materials, use SMS, WeChat, TV and other channels and methods to widely popularize prevention and control knowledge, increase awareness of prevention and control, vigorously advocate “no new year in this year”, and guide farmers to reduce gathering activities.

Bie Bixiong, Secretary General of the Hubei Provincial Government:

The epidemic prevention and control headquarters will insist on holding daily press conferences to report the latest situation in a timely manner. This concludes the conference, thank you!

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James Murray
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