Moving to USA? Here’s a Complete Guide to Help You

Statue of Liberty island and New York city skyline in a sunny day, blue sky

The United States is a land of opportunities where people from all around the world come to accomplish their dreams. No matter which field you belong to, this country has the best to offer. You’ll find world’s best higher education system, doctors, engineers, architects, IT experts, and industries in this country. Every major company in the world has a head office in the United States. Besides, it has a great lifestyle that’s like a paradise for people coming from third world countries.

This article is a guide for people who are moving or planning to the United States. You’ve made the right choice if you are going to the United States. However, you might face difficulties if you aren’t fully prepared for this change. Be sure to follow the instructions shared here before and after you move to the United States to avoid any problem.

Know What You’re Getting At

Moving to this country to fulfil your American might sound glamorous, but you might have made unrealistic expectations of this change. Think practically about what you are going to do. Is this really what you want to do, and is moving really the best way to do it? You should keep in mind that no matter how great of a country the US is, nothing is perfect. Life in the United States won’t exactly be a bed of roses for you, especially not in the beginning.

You should do your research to learn as much about the country as you can from your home. There wouldn’t be anything worse than moving to a new country and realizing you’ve made a mistake. You should know how the people of your country are treated there. Make sure you will find the opportunity you expect from this country and that the competition isn’t too fierce for you to make a place.

Visit the States before Moving

The best way to understand your future in the United States is to visit it before you finalize your plan of moving. You should get a tourist visa and spend a few days in the country, state, and town where you’re planning to live. I would recommend that you stay at least one month in the country to experience the culture and lifestyle. You should also be able to differentiate between a great place for tourists and a great place for living. For example, mountains and countryside are great if you want to spend a weekend there, but you wouldn’t want to live there.

See how expensive the place is, and study your job market. Is that place too much for you, or if you like people? You should keep an open mind when judging the country. There are good and bad people everywhere. Don’t let the bad deed of one guy create a bad image of the entire country. United States is considered one of the most racist countries, but many immigrants living there don’t have much issue. It depends on the area you’re living in.

Learn About Laws in the USA

This should always be your practice no matter which country you go to. There is a big cultural difference in each country. Something that may be acceptable in your home country might not be acceptable in the United States. You should study every law in the US that you should know about. You should also know how much time it will take you to get the citizenship or residency, and the cases in which will you be deported back. It is recommended to find yourself a great Orange County immigration attorney to help you. As an immigrant, you might face a few issues where you will need the help of a legal professional.

A good lawyer will educate you about the laws you need to know and how you should react in difficult situations. An immigration attorney will also help you defend your case if you are about to be deported back. Moreover, they make sure that you get citizenship when you have completed all requirements. You wouldn’t know about the paperwork and offices you need to visit to make sure you are fulfilling all legal requirements. Whether you are living in the US or haven’t moved yet, get yourself a respected immigration attorney to help you with all these legal matters.

Get a US Visa

It goes without saying, but since we’re discussing step by step things you need to do, get yourself a US visa through proper channels. It is understandable that it might be difficult to get a US visa for many countries; however, it doesn’t mean you should give up. If this really is what you want to do, then nothing should get in your way. Considering the demand for US visa all around the world, there might be people that will offer you shortcuts. You must not pay heed to them.

Don’t try to use any shortcut or any unethical way to get inside the USA. The security is very strict and any illegal immigrant might be considered a terrorist. Don’t fall into the trap of going there temporarily thinking it’ll turn to work or another visa of your desire. If you are in doubt, take guidance from a professional lawyer to ensure you are doing everything according to the book. One wrong practice could ban you from the US for life, and you might also end up in jail.

The entry period for the 2021 green card lottery starts on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2019, and runs until Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019

Find a Temporary Accommodation

As you will be trying to find accommodation from your home country in the US, you might not find the place of your dreams and budget. The best solution to this problem is getting a temporary residence. A temporary residence doesn’t mean hotel for a few days. Find a place for at least a few months where you can keep all your possessions and luggage. The place should be near to the place you’ll work, and shouldn’t be outside the city. You shouldn’t get the first place you can easily get your hands on just because it’s a temporary accommodation. Consider the possibility that you might want to make this place your new home. Do proper research and finalize a place only if you’re satisfied.

Move Your Possessions

You have to move all your stuff before you go to the country. It requires packing all your stuff and finding a service that will take it from your current house and deliver to your accommodation in the United States. It is going to be expensive moving a lot of luggage to another country. A great practice is to pack only important things that you can take with you on a plane, and buy the rest of the stuff in the United States. Whatever you possess at home, can be easily found with better quality in your new home.

Get a Social Security Number

As soon as you get in the United States, you should start trying to get a social security number. They don’t give it to just anyone who lands in their country. A social security number is like an identity that allows you to purchase a home, car, and other similar things. It’s a nine-digit number that is given to only citizens, permanent residents, or temporary residents. You can apply for an SSN when sorting out your visa. Find the local social security admin office once you are settled in the US. It will give the government all the information about you and your money. You will need to provide the proof that you have the permission to work here.

Open a Bank Account in the US

A bank account is a necessity in every country. You have to store and transfer your money which is not possible without banks. You may have to send money back to your country and receive it from there. Besides, the use of cards and banks is very common in the US. People don’t keep a lot of cash with them. You can open a bank account in the US before moving to this country if you want, though there might be a few complications. Having everything prepared prior hand will make things easier for you after the long journey of moving.

Look for a Permanent Accommodation

There is a strong possibility that you might not like your first accommodation. If you considered it a temporary place to stay, then you’re already prepared to move. Take your time to find a place that best suits your requirements. Don’t compromise on a small or bad place just because it’s cheap. You’re going to spend years there; it is important that you feel fully comfortable in your house.

Purchase a Health Insurance

The US might be a great place, but it has the most expensive health care system in the world. One can’t avoid getting sick or injured. The best practice would be to see a few health insurance programs and buy one that suits your needs. It will help you save money and prepare for difficult times. Though it isn’t mandatory by law, most people in the US have health insurance for their entire family.

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