Wauzhushk Onigum — On Thursday, October 3, 2019, Grand Council Treaty #3 Chiefs gathered at the Fall Assembly in Wauzhushk Onigum and passed a resolution declaring a state of climate emergency in Treaty #3 Territory.
Declaring the climate emergency is in response to the ongoing global climate crisis and the need to act to protect Mother Earth for future generations.
“The wellbeing of our Nation and way of life is of the utmost importance to our leadership and declaring a climate emergency is just one way we can continue to care for each other and mother earth,” said Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh, Grand Chief of Treaty #3. “Since time immemorial, Creator entrusted the Anishinaabe to care for Aki (land) and Nibi (water) on Turtle Island. The Anishinaabe have always maintained a spiritual connection to the land and firmly believe that ‘we are the land and the land is us.’”
The Territorial Planning Unit of GCT#3 continues climate change adaptation work through the ‘Teaching our Keepers’ program. Treaty #3 youth and children are receiving education on the importance of sustainable practices such as recycling, composting and gardening. Treaty #3 First Nations communities are also working towards reducing emissions by using geothermal and solar energy systems to reduce carbon footprints.
“The work that the First Nations and Grand Council Treaty #3 is doing demonstrates the strength of our Nation and our commitment to doing our part to decrease the global climate footprint, said Chief Will Windigo of Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nations and Chair of the Grand Council Treaty #3 Environmental Chiefs Committee.
As stewards of the land and leaders in environmental sustainability, the Anishinaabe Nation of Treaty #3 will continue to care for Mother Earth. In declaring a state of climate emergency hope to continue to improve and raise awareness to the dire state of the environment on a local, national and global scale. Declaring a climate emergency is just one-step towards caring for our Mother Earth.