10 Things You Should Avoid While Driving

10 Things You Should Avoid While Driving

Though many people do it every day and may find it easy, driving can be a complicated business. Every year, thousands of people die and suffer severe injuries while travelling in a vehicle. In San Diego alone, in 2014 a personal injury trial attorney notes that there were more than 19000 accidents involving injuries or fatalities.  However, many people do not pay attention to what they are doing or what is going around them because of which they get engaged in a number of dangerous activities. Driving requires the coordination of a lot of different information at once. For every driver, it is important to watch the road, access the situation, judge the distance, abide by traffic rules, and drive with appropriate speed to avoid any trouble.

Many drivers think that they are pro at driving and do not need to pay attention to what they are doing and what is happening around them. Though you may be a great driver, a lot of times accidents happen due to the mistakes of others. Even the best driver can make a huge mistake behind the wheels. Only one tiny distraction is enough to impair one’s judgments while driving. Below in this article, we’ve mentioned top 10 things you shouldn’t do when you are driving any vehicle. To learn about them, then make sure to read till the end!

1.    Mobile Usage

Do not talk and drive at the same time! Using your cell phones is the worst decision you’ll ever make while driving. It can get you and others on the road into some serious trouble. Many people in the world lost their lives and caught into an accident while being on their phones. It is so dangerous that many countries have strictly prohibited drivers from using cell phones. You don’t want to catch up in the accident while just checking your friend’s Facebook status, or you do not want to strike in another car while having an emotional conversation with anyone, right? Remember that your cell phone is the biggest distraction which can lead you to serious consequences.

If it is that important for you to take calls, then it is recommended to use hands-free for doing so. This way you’ll be able to access the road situation. Moreover, if a car suddenly pulls its break in front of you, you will not be in the situation of taking action right away. Therefore, to keep yourself and others out of danger, you should put your phone into the pocket and take out when you are not driving.

2.    Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence is the most common reason for accidents worldwide. Each year, a surprising number of people lost the battle of their life when they are driving while being drunk. Drunk drivers cause the majority of traffic-related deaths. Many countries have made very strict rules for people who drive. We are well aware of the fact that alcohol impairs the ability to drive, and therefore a person is not able to react according to the situation. Sadly, many people still don’t get how dangerous it is. Alcohol affects your judgment and motor skills. If you are in a situation where you have to reach somewhere, then do not drink. If you do drink, have someone drive you home safely in a cab or a taxi. Even if you think that you are good at driving high, but chances are that you are not. On the other hand, if you are caught driving under the influence of any substance, you may be fined with the hefty amount of money or maybe sentenced for the DUI case. In such a situation, you need to contact Los Angeles DUI Lawyer for handling your case.

3.    Speeding

After drunk driving, speeding is the second main reason for traffic mortalities worldwide. Most truck and car accidents occur at high speeds which is why it is a major cause of deadly road injuries. Exceeding the speed limit is the usual thing for many drivers. It’s illegal behavior that massively upsurges the risk of losing control over a vehicle and ultimately cause an accident. The more the speed of the vehicle the more it is difficult to slow down. Not only due to over speeding, the probability of crash increases when a motorist goes even below the normal speed. Things are more under control when everyone maintains the general speed on the given roadway. Therefore, drivers need to keep tabs on the speed at which they’re roving and stay within the legal limit.

4.    Adjusting Mirrors

A little distraction can lead you to some serious problems. These distractions can be just looking at your phones or adjusting your mirrors. Your vehicle’s side and rearview mirrors are designed to give you a better view of the road.  Keeping your mirrors adjusted is the key to road safety. The best practice is to adjust your mirrors before you even start driving. Many drivers forget to do this and start adjusting their side and rearview mirrors in the middle of the road while driving.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that each year, blind spots results in over 840,000 side-to-side collisions and cause more than300 deaths. Moreover, countless injuries and millions of dollars of damage cannot be ignored. Properly adjusted mirrors can help reduce blind spots and lessen the chances of getting into a collision.

5.    Playing Loud Music

Playing loud music while driving is not a good idea at all. Though you may feel good listening to music while driving, you cannot ignore the fact that it doesn’t let you focus properly on the road. What if someone is honking because your speed is too low? Or what if there is an ambulance behind you waiting for you to move your car? Loud music in your car will cut your communication from the world. Moreover, playing loud music will distract you from the road and chance are due to less focus you’ll end up getting into any collision.

6.    Get Dressed or Undressed

This is an unsurprising example of what you should avoid doing when you are behind the wheels. Apparently, many people do not have enough time to get dressed before leaving their home, and they think of getting dressed in the car. It is impossible to keep your eyes on the road and steer the car while putting on a shirt, jacket, or pants. It will be difficult to keep at least one hand on the steering wheel. Changing your clothes and driving at the same time is just not okay. It is like attempting suicide.

7.    Eating While Driving

Eating is not something you should do in the car. This might seem a relatively normal thing to do which you might do regularly, but it is something to avoid. In many parts of the world, it is against the law to eat or drink while driving and all for good reasons. Eating is one of the major distractions when you are traveling in your car. Your cheese sandwich will not let you focus on the road and will make you take your eyes off the road again and again.

Another thing which cannot be ignored is that your one hand is continuously busy which should be in the steering wheel instead. The time you are not keeping your eyes on the road can be very crucial and just a second of distraction can be very dangerous. Whether you are drinking water or something hot, it will impair your abilities to respond to the road conditions. Therefore, if you are hungry and want to eat, then park your car at the side of the road and eat without any worry. This way, you are certifying the safety of yourself and others on the road.

8.    Drive with Sleep Deprivation

Driving with sleep deficiency? A big no! It is common sense that you shouldn’t be doing this no matter how important it is for you to reach somewhere. You must have heard the phrase that ‘it is better to reach late than never.` It is something which you have to follow no matter what. But if you are still thinking about why it matters so much, then you should know that when your body needs sleep, it will get it. No matter how much you try to keep yourself awake, your body will not listen to you and will get sleep one way or another. And if you are sleepy, you are likely to fall asleep even when you are driving, and the results are not pretty at all.

9.    Getting Distracted By Children

Every parent knows that their kids tend to become unruly in the car. Maybe because they know that their parents are not watching them and cannot discipline them as they are driving the vehicle. However, if you are disciplining your kids while being behind the wheels, then it can create a risky scenario. You will be diverted from the road, and all your attention will be on your kids. The best way is to pull over, sort out behavioral issues, and then continue driving. Another way is to just let them do what they are doing and correct them after you reach your destination.

10. Applying Makeup

Last but not least! We all know that ladies tend to apply makeup while they are driving. Doing such activity can take away all your attention from the road while you are supposed to be driving. Be it an eyeliner, lipstick, mascara, eye shadow, or any other makeup item, applying it while driving is not a good idea. Sure, you can get ready in your car only when you are not driving, but when you are on the steering seat, avoid any activity that can distract you.

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